>doctor from Harvard told me he never used it once (Orthopedic Surgeon)
>doctors at my moms work forgot how to do calculus
Please explain why we have to waste 2 years of college taking shitty ass classes. Also I feel college doesn't help us grow as a student. We should be able to pick our major right away and take mostly classes that relates to it. I'm at a liberal arts school and I woke up o grab me a cold pop, and I thought someone was bbq'ing. Sweet jesus it was a fire. AINT NOBODY GOT TIME FOR LIBERAL ART CLASSES MIXED IN WITH SCIENCE.
Dude, it's just the concepts you need to get. Half of the math/calculus stuff you learn in school in really only done by computers outside of school/university. Even engineers probably will never really need to 'know' how to do calculus since their computers plot/simulate everything.