...It was not too long ago on here in some random thread about Sex before marriage came up and I was reluctant to use my past mistake as a testimony to somebody who was curious about my faith.
As soon as it was known that I was a Christian man and that I have had sex in the past in my Teen years. It was then used against me as a weapon to some very illogical and uneducated means. Saying things like "hypocrite" "maybe he is not a good Christian" "maybe he picks and choose what to believe", etc. Doing things like that is absolutely uncalled for in any situation!
it is a sheer lack of wisdom and decency to try and use anything as a weapon of a personal nature. It happens in real life too, at my University to be exact.
I try my best to not curse. But I had one moment where sombody scared me half to death and I yelled out "OH S**T" and another person who has bonked heads with me before said: "Why to go Christian man! Shows how full of crap you are!"
Anywho, when things like this happen. Do you try your best to shrug it off?
The only time stuff like that ever happens to me is usually on here where people have some "idea" that they "know" me.
I think this is the best way to go ;D
I simply come back at them harder. For every fault they can lay upon me I'll be able to pin ten back on them. It eventually degrades to them telling me to shut up because they can't win. That's if I know the person of course, if I don't then they don't know me well enough to judge and their statement is void without sufficient understanding.
If you have changed since then, and no longer try to do things like that, their attacks are worthless.
Well, I think it's silly to think Christians aren't allowed to sin. :P
I don't try my best to shrug it off, I do. Someone else's opinion of me, regardless of my past, does not change who I am. If certain people don't think that others can change, they're idiots and that kind of ridiculous attitude is not wanted or needed in my life.
I now I'm literally jumping into a shitstorm by saying this but.. Why don't you became an atheist? Problem solved!
The best weapons are the ones you use on yourself. Sun Tzu owes me one.
Who the hell do you hang with? People think I'm a Christian, and I've done all those things and more. They never called me out for it.
I don't really claim myself to ascribe to any sort of group that has expectations from people, so people never really expect a certain behavior out of me. But of course you'll have people who will always look for ways to make anyone seem like a hypocrite, you always have one or two of those people.
Lol OP learn how to argue. Using someone's past mistakes against them is like entry level shit. As for your question I don't let it happen. 7 years of live have taught me well in terms of how to argue with people and how to deal with most of them.
Yes. Once at my friends party, I unintentionally upset my friend and he spread a rumor by texting to his girlfriend that I fap to her best friend. She then posted it onto her friends social media account, and then flipped out. Needless to say, I was very upset. Now whenever I hangout with my other friends, another guy always brings this up and calls me the names that the girl called me.
If you are past it, just say that it is in your past. Especially if you are a Christian.
There isn't much about my past that people can use against me. People know what kind of person I am and nothing is a surprise to anyone.
Everyone has skeletons in their closets. If someone uses your skeletons against you, the trick is to find their skeletons and beat them senseless with the dusty bones.