I currently have a EVGA gtx 560ti, and I have found that crysis 3(beta) is giving it a hard time. I know it is beta and all but I still want to plan for the next step. I think all my other parts are ready for an upgrade: i5 3570k, ASUS P8Z77-V LK LGA 1155, 8gb of good RAM, etc.
I just know that soon my 560ti won't cut it, and I need a new one that will run everything pretty damn well. I was thinking this:
I do prefer Nvidia, but I'm open to anything.
Edited by EvilTaffyapple: 1/31/2013 1:47:29 PMI actually have the 2GB FTW edition and it is a great card. Maxes everything on the market and remains at less than 45 degrees doing so. Would recommend it to anyone thinking of upgrading. Just make sure your rig is wide enough - I had a full tower but it may be too tight to get this into a mid-tower case - someone here may be able to confirm that though.