[url=http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/31/us/gunman-opens-fire-at-phoenix-office-complex.html?_r=0]He was 70[/url] Are old people shooting others a new thing now?
Can we go one day without these threads?
This reminds me of [url=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/30/hadiya-pendleton-dead-chi_n_2581309.html]the girl who was shot and killed in a park[/url] today. And the [url=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/29/doctor-killed-examination-room_n_2572922.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular]doctor who was shot and killed at work[/url] today. And the [url=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/30/alabama-school-bus-hostage-situation_n_2578775.html]school bus driver who was shot and killed in the bus in front of other kids[/url] today (btw, the shooter kidnapped a kid and is holding him hostage). And the man who [url=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/30/james-mccarty-suicide-murdering-3-family-members-las-vegas_n_2585856.html?utm_hp_ref=crime]shot and killed three members of his family then shot himself[/url]. etc... But hey, as people here keep saying, this happens all the time and it's just the media reporting on shootings more often, so... who cares?
Meh, I say live and let live. He probably had a good reason to. Any office building that gets shot up has some valid intent behind hit.
Meh. Shootings happen all the time. It's nothing new. The media has just put much more focus on anything that makes guns and gun owners look bad, yet they neglected to say a word when thousands of gun owners marched at their state capitols. Dozens of people were open-carrying AR-15s and AK variants, yet no one was shot. It's still just a people problem, not a gun problem.
"Pew pew. Oh, building is still standing...ok gotta go bye bye."
Is the building okay?
Nothing new really
Shootings happen all the time, same shit, different day.