Before you generalize this thread, this is not a complaint about Bungie.Next.
Anyways, I was poking around Bungie.Old and going through various iterations of the site. It occurred to me that their is a history so rich and full of stories here... and most people know nothing of it. We need an Archive. Not a Wiki (Even though the people running that do a good job.), but a full fledged archive. And before you say you know everything about the Bungie Community, do you worship Clyde? If you don't get that reference, you don't get this Community in its entirety. We need a place to Archive Bungie's Community, Forum Memes, Employees, Community Guys (Bungie Employees), and trends in the site.
You should just scroll to a certain year or month and see, hmmmmm, this meme was popular this month. Oh, this guy was in charge of the community this particular year. Bungie's community goes farther back than Halo: CE.
You can feel the memories, the good times. And they're slowly being forgotten. Don't let that happen [i]Current[/i] Bungie Community, otherwise it'll happen to you too.
delete it all, we were just getting warmed up it's all about the future