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Edited by Uncle Putin: 1/29/2013 11:05:29 PM

The US Government to legalize all illegal immigrants

[url=]So Obama is pushing congress to pass this bill[/url] (if they don't move fast enough with the Senate bill) which will basically allow all illegal immigrants in the US a chance at becoming legal. It will also tighten border security to prevent future illegal immigrants, but what do you think of this? Do you think that we should be giving people who crossed the borders illegally citizenship? These people did in fact break the laws of the US, so should we go ahead and make them citizens?

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  • I see no problem with this. Many of these "illegal immigrants" who have already settled here already have work without the income tax. Many work under the table with sub-par to decent working wages under bosses that allow this kind of practice. Making these people legal not only provides a plethora of new revenue for the government in income taxes, but it also fights of a "dirty" business tactic that ends up denying citizens the opportunity to work in certain skilled and unskilled labor divisions because of immigrants that gets the job.

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  • Also, lol this thread is typical. A few days ago, someone told me that this bill was bipartisan, and it is not Obama's idea. Now, everyone jumps on the Obama hate wagon for exactly the same bill. Pathetic as usual.

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  • Immigration has always been one of the main driving forces behind America. That is all I will say.

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  • [quote]In his speech, Obama laid out "markers" for reform, saying any comprehensive immigration bill must give most of the nation's 11 million illegal immigrants a chance to earn their citizenship gradually if they pay a fine, learn English and pass a background check. Immigrants would also have to get to "the back of the line," which means people who have already applied for green cards would have their applications processed first. The president's bill would also include an employment verification system, more border security and a revamping of the legal immigration system to provide more visas for top graduates of U.S. universities and to reduce lengthy wait times for visas for relatives of U.S. citizens.[/quote] What part of this says he's going to make all illegal immigrants legal again?

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  • Lets see... Millions of taxable citizens and a possible increase in illegal immigration or Letting things continue as they are... Letting them become legal citizens would give the government a pretty penny to throw around... The problem is Obama probably will use it as an excuse for more government spending.

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  • I still find it laughable that people still think that these illegal immigrants are the most evil beings on the planet. All they do is come here and take the jobs we don't want, and (most of the time) then they go back home.

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    2 Replies
    • I don't have a problem with letting them stay (deporting them all is near-impossible and cost-prohibitive), provided that we: - Secure the borders better, and stop the influx. - Have those we allow to stay here to: --- Admit that they committed a crime in coming here --- Pay some sort of fine as punishment for said crime --- Pay any income or other taxes that they owe and didn't pay from their prior time here --- Not be able to utilize their status here to bring in their other family members via legal routes (this is just part of not rewarding criminal behavior; we should not give those who entered illegally the same status and benefits as those who choose to enter legally). Related: [url=]Interesting infographic on what those legal routes into the U.S. actually entail.[/url]

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      • Annex Mexico already.

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        • Maybe I'm wrong, but in essence, isn't all this is going to do is make them start paying taxes? I don't like the thought of it at all, but being here illegally isn't exactly stopping them much now.

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          • Edited by jetmann113: 1/31/2013 5:52:12 PM
            Filthy outlanders.

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          • It's all to get more votes for the next democrat.

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            4 Replies
            • Started a new topic: The US border control doesn't seem Reply)

            • I'm not going to pretend to be an expert here, but wouldn't making them legal citizens only help the country since now they'd be contributing to the government (taxes and all)? Seems to me we stand to benefit from this. And what do we lose?

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              • Edited by KingInTheNorth: 1/29/2013 11:28:44 PM
                Why would you not want to give people citizenship? We are a nation of immigrants.

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                • We tried this in the 1980s, and illegal immigration skyrocketed. Anyone who thinks this will work really doesnt have a clue.

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                • Obama is the man!

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                • Perhaps he should focus on something a little more important like, lets say, the economy?

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                  • I'm not necessarily in favor of amnesty because it pardons and rewards a series of crimes, but if that's what it takes to get immigration reform, I'd support it I suppose.

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                  • God I hope someone puts an end to this bastard.

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                    • Sounds good to me.

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                    • [quote]Do you think that we should be giving people who crossed the borders illegally citizenship?[/quote]No.

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                      • Edited by Hoggs Bison: 1/29/2013 11:40:49 PM
                        He unveiled his own plan, but he bill he's pushing for is a Senate bill that was proposed days ago by a bipartisan (that means Republicans too) group. President Obama is making immigration a major priority, but he won't face as much opposition from Republicans, now that they have to get the Hispanic vote back. As the article says, if they [i]don't[/i] move quickly, he will introduce his own bill. [url=]Here's the full text of the bill.[/url] Paraphrased the summary introduction: [quote][u]Four Legislative Pillars:[/u] 1. Create a tough but fair path to citizenship that is contingent on securing borders and making sure legal immigrants have left when required. 2. Reform legal immigration to put more importance on characteristics that would help the economy (and society). 3. Create effective employment verification to prevent identity theft and make sure no unauthorized immigrants are hired. 4. Improve the process that integrates future workers into the workforce, while making sure American workers have their jobs.[/quote] The first part addresses legalization: [quote][u]1. The Path to Legalization[/u] How easy it is to be legalized and how quickly the path is instated depend on two things: first is securing our borders and the second is addressing visa overstays. [u]Border Patrol training will be increased and more funding will be given[/u] to provide tech, infrastructure, and personnel. Agents will be trained not to racially profile. Surveillance radios and UAV's will also be improved and put into action. More agents will be posted at ports. Top [u]politicians in border states will be given more say[/u] in making recommendations and monitoring progress. [i]While[/i] this is happening, illegal immigrants will be [u]required to register[/u] with the government. They will be [u]forced to pay their financial debts[/u] in the form of fines and back taxes. They will [u]take background checks[/u], and those with certain [u]criminal records will be deported[/u]. Those who make the cut will be put on probationary status and [u]will not have access to government benefits[/u]. When security measures have finally been completed, probationary immigrants will take another background check and then [u]be sent to the back of the line[/u], behind other immigrants who have been waiting to enter the country.[/quote] (Emphasis mine) [url=]Edit: here's a compilation of everything you need to know about it, courtesy of Washington Post's Wonkblog.[/url] [url=]"The 5 Most Important Sentences" in the plan.[/url]

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                        • I don't think it'll do much harm.

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                          • Obama. [b]WHAT THE -blam!- ARE YOU DOING?!? >:([/b]

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                            • I prefer Marco Rubio's similar, but better, version. Sidenote: Rubio 2016.

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                            • What's being proposed makes sense. Give them a path to citizenship, try to stop any more at the border and then keep it all orderly. I see where you are coming from, but the reality is that there are millions already here. You can't deport everyone. I hope that he gets this done. It's long past time.

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