I, AK Drummer 11, real name [CLASSIFIED], citizen of the United States of America, resident of The Final Frontier (a.k.a. Alaska), and fan of Bungie since 2007, do hereby formally request that the guardians of this new frontier, B.next, which will lead us onward unto world domination, keep the old B.net, (that hallowed shrine that nurtured Bungie along on its divine quest and provided countless hours of entertainment and good times for The Seventh Column), online as a read-only website, forever. Please. We, your loyal and faithful army, have given you so much. We have stood by you all this time. Do this for us, and you will be remembered not just as legends....but as loving, caring, and noble. The Best of The Best. Sincerely, AK Drummer 11
Unfortunatelly progress cannot be stopped, Bungie has to move on, the best thing we can do is to offer all the feedback we can give to them so they can make this new features better.
[url=http://web.archive.org/web/20120815000000*/http://bungie.net]Here you go[/url].
And here I was, expecting another "Pls Bungee bring back B.old". I was pleasantly surprised.