Hey guys, so over the past week I've been looking at some knives for defense and general purpose. I'd really like a combat knife for the defense portion and then a Swiss Army Knife type for my general purpose uses, and both would be stored in the glove compartment of my car most of the time.
I don't really have much knowledge, or any at all, of the best brands/models so this is why I'm reaching out to you all. Any recommendations at all would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Edit: To those saying that knives are horrible for self defense: I am not old enough to obtain a concealed weapons permit and this is specifically for the glove compartment in my car. Not many more options.
Knives are a poor choice for self-defence.
[url=http://i1.minus.com/ibcXdQGfPCPCGA.png]Fixed blade knife guide infographic[/url] [url=http://i2.minus.com/iKS2PVqgIg7ye.png]Folding knife guide infographic[/url] A knife is not a useless weapon, like people would say. In many cases, they're much more versatile than a firearm is. Funny how nobody who said "knives are a bad weapon for self defense" gave any reasons. However, let's see some reasons why they are good weapons: 1: Little risk of accidentally hurting a bystander 2: More angle of attack (entire blade length vs. the diameter of a gun barrel) 3: You can't grab a knife blade, you *can* grab a gun and it's easy to do so 4: Legal in more places than guns are 5: No risk of damage to the environment 6: Faster to deploy than a gun Compared to other physical weapons: --Baton-- 1: Knife penetrates clothing, Baton loses efficacy through thick clothing 2: Knife will stop an attacker on drugs, Batons work on pain and can be ignored through narcotics or adrenaline 3: Knife will disable an attacker instantly, you have to restrain them with a baton 4: You can't grab a knife blade --Taser-- 1: Single-shot tasers only give you one chance 2: Physical-use tasers lose efficacy through clothing and have almost no range 3: Civilian tasers can be "fought through [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9igSoJHEdUo[/url] Given that trained police officers need roughly 18-21 feet in order to protect themselves with a gun versus a knife, I think OP should be just fine carrying one. Remember what the image says, though. Knives are part of a defensive system, and should be carried with a gun and non-lethal option.
A plastic butter knife.
Whatever knife you get, don't forget to bring your [url=http://www.moderncombativesystems.net/docs/shop_mercharness.htm]Mercharness[/url].
Get a kukri.
Ontario Knifeworks and Ka-Bar are good for anti-bear defense. look up your local knife laws though... you may need a permit.
Knives are horrible self defense weapons. get a gun.
inb4 Doogoon
Edited by Zizzy: 1/26/2013 8:22:20 PMWhat you need is the Eviscerator, if you want a truly exceptional knife to slice up your friends in their sleep.