I've seen many topical treatments that are supposed to get rid of and prevent acne. I have noticed that some of these treatments are conflicting. Some people tell you to put moisturizer with aloe on your face, and some people tell you to use salicylic acid, which dries out the acne.
So what is the correct treatment?
Having suffered from what the doctor described as a "relatively extreme" case of acne, a good route would be that of drugs - I was on Roaccutane for a while in my teens and that really cleared it up. Whats best for you is obviously up to you, your doctor & family. If you are not as severe I would suggest trying washing your face in salt water (fill the sink with water and put salt in, mix it a bit). Water should be warm but not hot, the salt helps clear out the pours quite a bit. It's not a solution, but decent for remedial and reducing the impact. Seeing a bit more of the sun helps too.