What are your views for or against the legalization of marijuana?
Edited by Jiggleslinky: 1/12/2013 12:33:40 AMMarijuana users are probably the whiniest group of people I've ever seen, I say we give it to them just to shut them the hell up.
Edited by App L Sawz: 1/14/2013 9:41:12 AMI think it unfortunate that so many will undoubtedly justify it's use, saying that if it's legal it's alright, but that said, far too many were doing it already, and it was negatively affecting the economy, among other things. It's probably better having it legalized, but I still think people should try to avoid it.
I'm of the opinion that the people against it have never tried it
Being fairly liberal when it comes to social ethics, I'm for it. I feel as if neither the state nor federal government should have the ability to dictate what I can and can not do with my own body. That being said, the benefits of marijuana legalization far outweigh the possible cons, and if taxed properly, could be a multi-million dollar boon for the economy.
Legalize now!
For it. We can continue to waste money on a lost cause, or we can... not do that. I think the best choice is pretty clear. But just in case it isn't, here's some [url=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/28/california-marijuana-decriminalization-_n_2205997.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular]hard evidence[/url] that legalization is the right way to go.
In favor. The drug war is a failure anyway.
I'd rather not have tons of high people running large heavy equipment and performing dangerous operations all the time or performing surgeries. Weed is a stupid high school thing and it doesn't belong in the real world of productive people. If it's legalized it needs to be heavily regulated and controlled and you can get just as much in trouble for being under the influence of it as you would be with alcohol.
I'm in favor for it. It's silly to keep alcohol legal but ban weed.
Totally against it, and always will be. I hate stoners and stoner culture.
Fully in favor. Oh wait, I live in Washington State, where we already have :-) #VotedYesOn502
I'm a patient and I don't think legalization for recreational use is a good idea.
Edited by Saleem: 1/12/2013 12:39:58 AMYou've all heard of Amsterdam right? Works just fine over there, but I bet it's because they've had it settle in over a long period of time.
Megalize larijuana.
In favor.
Legalize weed, let those imprisoned for possession of weed out of prison. Not only will it seriously lighten the load on the judicial and penal systems, but stoners will finally shut the hell up.
Outright legalization of it would be mad. I can honestly say that 40% would be an accurate estimation of the people at my school that smoke weed, and all of them seem very fine with it. There'll likely be several small steps towards it in the future, but simply leaping into that decision would be suicidal
discussion of illegal substances and activities is still not allowed OP #forumcop
I don't care -_-