Which case, assuming I get these components and would like to put in more HDDs, would be better for me? The NXZT 410 or the Cooler Master HAF 922?
Actually now I have another question. I managed to get the i7 3770k for $130 so I have an extra $200 to spend. I'm debating on if I should just save this money for general use and end up spending less money on my computer or putting the money aside for a Sabertooth z77 motherboard and a 680 (I might just go with a 670FTW).
Antec 300.
Edited by Acknown3: 1/11/2013 11:22:34 PMNZXT Phantom 410. Don't get the Sabertooth (pointless) and downgrade the 680 to a 670 FTW.
Don't get the sabertooth. 670ftw is essentially a 680. Also HOW DID YOU GET A I7 FOR 130?!
This one is better
Edited by Braydzz: 1/11/2013 4:39:47 PMGet the Azza Hurrican. Its amazing it has plenty of room and a ton of fans. [quote]Front: 2x120mm Blue/Red LED Silent Fans (19dBA) Rear: 1x120mm Fan in Rear Right Side: 1x120mm super slim fan for CPU Top: 2x 230mm Silent Fans (24dBA) Left Side: 2x 230mm Blue/Red LED Silent Fans (24dBA)[/quote]