I think it's pretty good, besides some setbacks that can easily be adjusted, like the flood or gallery.
That's all so far.
Necro 2
My only problems are the white color scheme and the inverted post order. I think the one forum thing will be a problem once Bungie releases their new game, but for now it works fine. Overall I'm pretty ok with it.
Its alright. I wish we could adjust the post order. I don't like latest on top. At the bottom, and I read all your posts.
I hate it but adapting.
I'm not.
I wasn't a fan at first, but I think I've warmed up to it. Actual forums would be nice, but I don't mind the tagging system at all, and I feel it works very well. I don't see much of a difference between refreshing The Flood 500 times and refreshing #Flood 500 times. Notifications are a godsend. I can't think of a single new feature that I dislike. The white color scheme was really unsettling, but that was fixed pretty quickly with the user-style by Shou (although it's not perfect, it's still much more bearable than the blinding white.) Once Coup is back I think this place will really start to feel like home.
I like it. I've yet to notice anything wrong with it, and the only thing I would like to see changed is the infinite scroll in threads.
It sucks and I will think this forever
Not a fan of it. Looks more like a social networking site than it does a forum...
It's okay... now were not going to fight over who replied first...
I'm not liking the forum much at all. We need sub-forums, searching for certain hash tags just doesn't work as well. I would prefer the old system with hash tags used to aid searching.
It needs to change super fast. Next update that changes everything around needs to come in the next few hours. The white is getting to me.