I made an Userstyle for a darker version of this site. It's not that good but it is something.
Install here:
I was told to make a separate thread for this so here it is!
Chrome version should work as well as the Firefox one now, also post inputs have white text and dark gray.[/quote]
Feel free to fork it on Github and make it better!
It's not working for me and I followed the instructions for Chrome.
Edited by Cirno: 1/19/2013 3:30:41 AM
Started a new topic: For Sensitive Eyes (Dark theme for bnet)(13 Replies))
Terms of Use page and a few others aren't readable with the script in place. Just noticed this earlier.
Looks good man, and it's good to see you again!
Nice one! :-D
Hell yeah! The brightness is burning my eyes!
Thank you Shou!
This makes the new layout like 40% better! Thanks!
I followed all of the chrome instructions, but my "style" is not working. Yes, I have exited and restarted chrome.
Ah, my eyes. Thank you kindly.
I think some people, given time, would really #adapt to the new layout. I like it. EVERY page on the internet is white with black text.
Sweet, FF version looking better with the change, maybe a white line to separate comments from each other in the threads? Spacers just look cleaner than without. thanks for this!
Edited by Starboy: 12/10/2016 10:56:26 PM
Comment up your code so I know what it's doing, damn you!
My eyes are forever in your debt. Obviously it isn't perfect because I imagine you just tried to get it out the door, but it is very nice. Hopefully Bungie takes note and allows us an option of either white or dark themes.
Very nice. Thank you/
When I try to download the extension it just says "checking...." and won't download. :C
Thank you so much for this. Love having a dark background again.
This is nice. Really nice.
Edited by Kodyack: 1/11/2013 5:54:23 AMEverybody pimp this thread so that it goes all the way to the top.
Thank you. So much.
Wow. That's actually really nice. Easy on the eyes and looks a lot closer to the old layout.
Should add the tags #Community #Flood #Septagon #TheFlood and #Feedback That way more people will see this :)
Trust me man, I got a feeling they will be changing the white very soon. It is pretty much the only thing everybody agrees they want gone.
Does it work for Chrome now?