I honestly cannot get enough of these. Show me some new ones!
Edited by CookieKiller001: 10/9/2015 6:44:30 PMI know the long dark is a game preview, but this lacks any form of logic. "You died from massive internal injuries after falling"
-blam!- logic.
Reply so I can visit again
When you put that 20 pound LMG on your back and pull out your knife the weight magically disappears.
Edited by Portal_Drifter: 10/29/2015 5:43:07 AM(In destiny)Get shoot 45 times by a sniper rifle dont loss your shied ,you shoot your leg in some water dies instantly 😐 ;-) **
I still love you guys :3
Edited by Guardian2798: 10/9/2015 6:02:54 PMSkyrim: Save the world Ended a civil war Kills dragons regularly Has rare and powerfull armor/weapons Is the dragon born Guards still condescending and suspicious People still doubtful you can handle their easy fetch quests
> shoots armor off leg > leg takes less damage > logic intensifies
Jul 'Mdama needs to invest in water guns. That is all.
Terraria logic: summons giant mecha laser eyeballs with green fire Thorn potion kills them
Monster Hunter. Carries giant bombs, huge weapons and armor and can run without a problem. But oh god if you pick up that egg!
Skyrim logic.
FACEPALM. I think I noticed this all those years ago. "Why can't I ride on Squirtle instead?" "Do I have a secret Lapras or something?"
Guardians: can kill 3 gods, still can't swim or properly walk up steps.
[b] [/b]
Edited by PotatoLaunchers: 5/21/2015 5:23:35 AMhttp://i.imgur.com/7k9ay.gif
Ninja Gaiden? Anyone ever wonder where he kept ALL those weapons?? THE SWORDS, and the giant wooden post....poor fella
Holding a pistol w/8 mags for it, holding lmg with 6 mags for it, runs effortlessly, jumps n slides like a boss
Also this
Edited by Courageous Mike: 1/22/2013 4:33:01 PM[url=http://www.google.com/search?aq=&rlz=1T4GGLL_enUS385US385&q=video+game+logic&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=Vrr-UPOGI4m09gSIvoDwBg&biw=1280&bih=572&sei=Xbr-UJKaAYzc8ASUo4H4DA]Screw it, heres the google result[/url] Stupid new posting system
Skyrim. In real life.
Gonna necro this for old times sake. I just realised that this is my only favourited #Gaming post. Well, here goes a necro-bump, judge me if you will.
You can take tons of bullets to the head in a video game, but during a cut scene you're always at 1 HP
Damn this thread is old.