Tickle yourself!
Soooooooo rumor has it, if you take your finger and run it on of the roof of your mouth, it will induce a stimulation of the tickling sort.
Try it flood, try it.
Screw you OP, now I'm bulimic
*Screams while laughing* STOP MAKE IT STOP! *Shrilly shriek of happiness*
The hell is this thread?
I did it lol. I don't like that
I know you can "tickle" yourself that way, but when I try it with my finger or even my tongue, the sensation is overwhelming and feels like "pain" almost.
Edited by Kickimanjaro: 1/21/2013 8:56:25 AMplay castle crashers
Edited by Payola: 1/21/2013 8:37:46 AM
Started a new topic: So I'm In This Party...(14 Replies))
Edited by Xplode441: 1/21/2013 8:57:20 AMIf you can tickle yourself, you're probably a schizophrenic. There's pretty interesting scientific reasons why we can't tickle ourselves. Google it. Here's the articles I read about it: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=tit-for-tat-delusions | http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=why-cant-a-person-tickle We also learn to defend ourselves as children in tickle fights.
I can tickle myself sometimes by touching my feet.
I can do it with my tongue.
Edited by Kickimanjaro: 1/21/2013 8:29:47 AMCurrent comment I hear that it is the only way to tickle yourself, but you really have to finger the roof or your mouth
Impossibru, you must surprise yourself to dot it.
Edited by CAMMCAM: 1/21/2013 8:28:52 AMFAIL!! I'm no ticklish. #mightbedrunk
I feel so dirty... O.O