originally posted in:Rogue Squadron
More awesomes for your face-balls
That is pretty awesome... But i will raise you this! ^
My face just melts off from the epiciness of this thread, just like that ending scene from Indiana Jone. Good job, now I gotta steal someone's face!
Edited by BerzerkCommando: 1/18/2013 12:03:50 PMStar Wars: The Wall.
Edited by BerzerkCommando: 1/18/2013 12:05:22 PMHey dad.
Ukitakumuki does some amaze-ball stuff.
What is thy bidding, my Mouster?
I just made a mess in my pants.
I wonder what the hell they're fighting. That AT-ST is opening up with all of it's weapon systems.
Who are these guys shooting at with lasers? And why does the robot t-rex have no arms?
Edited by ChickenWireLord: 1/18/2013 12:08:48 AMStar wars is one of the most over rated series ever.
This is awesome, but what is the point?
Dear webteam, option to mute groups pls. I'd rather not mute an employee but don't want to see daily threads leaking out of the same group.
Bungie I'm dissapoint.
Stormtroopers > All.
:( I want battlefield 3....
Very sweet.
[quote]More awesomes for your face-balls[/quote] [Insert Mystery Science Theater Image]
Awesome indeed.
Did they find anything?
It's Mega Maid! She's gone from suck, to blow.
Now that [i]is[/i] awesome.
Something tells me you might like Star Wars.
Star Wars rocks.
I wish I could play this MMO. I seen some videos of it and it looks fun.
Edited by Butane: 1/17/2013 8:44:25 PMI don't see any Ewoks in that picture and a competent imperial army. Must be target practice. Lord knows they need it.
When I click the image to enlarge, nothing happens. The screen just darkens. This seems to be the case for all photos on Bnet. I'm using the latest version of google chrome.