originally posted in:Mjolnir Battle Tactics
Thought we could have one, since more members of MBT are starting to play. You know how these things work.
For those that don't know or are interested, league of legends is a free online game where you fight in arenas on teams, trying to destroy the enemy base. Its that RTS-styled field of view, but your champion has skills. Its not an RPG, its not an RTS. Its fun. leagueoflegends.com
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtTvc_9BoGw] Epic Push in a 4v5 match by Me and Dan and Theo[/url]
[Edited on 01.14.2012 11:54 AM PST]
Just won a ranked game on Gavins account as a first time Sona at 1400 elo. Rofl. Too ez.
Pull city blitz pull pull city blitz ten ten ten twenty kills for my carries blitz
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Suns1324 Once again, carried.[/quote] Don't take it so hard on yourself Suns. Even the best of us have bad games some times. You'll get better, I know it!
Once again, carried.
OMG Alec, who the hell cares
Still cant get anywhere in ranked. Anyway. Super excited for KhaZix, and really hoping they buff Syndra. It will be like having two new champs to play
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DanTheMan8987 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Crow SMK I must be going blind. Suns isn't playing Tryn.[/quote] I misssssssss you. :([/quote] I miss you too babe.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Crow SMK I must be going blind. Suns isn't playing Tryn.[/quote] I misssssssss you. :(
I must be going blind. Suns isn't playing Tryn.
Dat Leona is butthurt
[url=http://i877.photobucket.com/albums/ab340/SunsH3MT/lol4manjungle.png]4 man jungle.[/url]
Still cant get out of ELO Hell. Been stuck between 1200-1270 and I can't escape. Every single match there is some stupid teammate that -blam!-s up, or one that horribly feeds a lane. Our jungler + Top fed their Darius 10-0. Even though I was 4-1 Ez with tons of farm, it was not enough.
Goddamn junglers. That -blam!- Chogath was terrible last night. Let's never have him do that again.
His robo skin is extremely OP. Im gonna get him, and if he is fun enough I am gonna get the skin
Sounds extremely OP
Yeah he is a lot like Rengar, but at the same time they have some differences. Like how Rengar has his bone necklace and fury vs KhaZix having evolving skills. I think thats what they were going for though, having them be similar champs. [Edited on 09.20.2012 7:06 AM PDT]
It's Alien vs Predator in League of Legends!
No, he is Rengar 2.0, and probably will be as annoying to play against as, you guessed, it Rengar.
[url=http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/khazix-voidreaver-revealed]Kha'Zix[/url] looks like a -blam!- beast. His kit sounds so interesting. He is basically a gankingmachine, made to -blam!- someone alone in a corner.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DanTheMan8987 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Vishra [url=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/260/9/b/janna__league_og_legends__by_roseberriesart-d5f0icr.jpg]10/10 would bang[/url][/quote] Mother of God...[/quote] I can't stop cu . . . oh god
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Vishra [url=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/260/9/b/janna__league_og_legends__by_roseberriesart-d5f0icr.jpg]10/10 would bang[/url][/quote] Mother of God...
[url=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/260/9/b/janna__league_og_legends__by_roseberriesart-d5f0icr.jpg]10/10 would bang[/url]
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Suns1324 Get carried you noobs.[/quote] It's ok, I don't mind carrying. I do it 90% of the games, so I'm used to it.