originally posted in:Mjolnir Battle Tactics
Thought we could have one, since more members of MBT are starting to play. You know how these things work.
For those that don't know or are interested, league of legends is a free online game where you fight in arenas on teams, trying to destroy the enemy base. Its that RTS-styled field of view, but your champion has skills. Its not an RPG, its not an RTS. Its fun. leagueoflegends.com
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtTvc_9BoGw] Epic Push in a 4v5 match by Me and Dan and Theo[/url]
[Edited on 01.14.2012 11:54 AM PST]
[u]3250 RP skins !!!![/u] Hai, I'm faixo. To be eligible for this; requirements simpily are; .Europe west (Euw) [u]Gold or above[/u] .Willing to carry a me to gold. .Skype .Mic About me; .I play mid/support. .I don't mind where I go. .I normally get around 100cs under 10mins. .I have won 3 games out of 3 in ranked. .I'm very friendly and chatty. Please leave your Skype name and Euw summoner name in comments if you wish. C [b]Note[/b]: I'm also willing to carry people through trails, raid challenge etc. Thank you
Still think we should play ranked
Go 32/7/7... lost...
Let's bring back the criticisms part again. We have seen some big changes in our gameplay since the last time we did this. I know Sun's has a lot to say since he talks so much during in-game. So not everyone is perfect and let's help point out their flaws (like normal human beings). Obviously most of criticism will go towards Dan, but I will try to pick out others as well. Make sure you point out their position in the game and what their role should be.
10 win streak in ranked Gold 5/4 achieved!
Riot released a teaser for the next champ. Looks tanky. Guessing a new top champ.
I finally dug myself out of Bronze, from the very bottom to finally silver. I am in the same Silver as Theo, Ortiz, Jank, Lupe.
Theres like a new "Frejlord Expansion" going on basically. -New ARAM Matchmaking map, Frost themed -New Champ Lissandra (Ashe and Sej sister), frost mage -Anivia skin -Frosty Shyvana skin -Volibear Skin -New Nunu splash art -Sejuani visual and game rework -Trundle visual and game rework (now frosty themed) Definitely getting that Anivia skin, and the new champ. And now sejuani should be fun
My life
Edited by Quickstrike NC: 2/22/2013 8:54:37 PMHate to say it, but Garen is OP in silver. People don't know how to deal with him in lane or in teamfights.
Edited by il Suns li: 2/22/2013 3:06:07 AM
League of Draven. That is all.
Quinn is a girl?
Okay, now we can get rid of skype.
Dan, Quinn appears to be the new ADC. Her gameplay looks AWESOME.
Meanwhile . . . at Riot Games
Dragon Master Swain has been confirmed by Morello. I don't know which skins to get! Anivia is getting her Mecha skin soon, Viktor will be getting one at some point, Quinn will probably have a cool skin, and then now confirmation of Dragon Swain. I only got 2500 RP, these will be tough decisions.
So we haven't had any good runs in a while. Everyone seems on edge about something. I suggest we all switch roles until we realize how awesome we were before. I call mid.
Season 3 patch is LIVE!
Why is this thread public?
Still can't get above 1100 ELO. Every time I get close, I get shot back down with more shit. Out of these few matches I have played, only once did I do bad, and even then it was caused by my teammates. My bot lane didnt guard our Ali's jungle, so enemy team invaded, killing me (xerath got the kill) and stealing blue. This then gave xerath early advantage against me. Not to mention since their ww had our blue, he could give their blue to xerath, 3 times in a row. So I never got blue, their xerath was rolling around early with perma-blue, so I couldn't do anything. By then the lane was out of control and I died a ton. Either way our jungler was useless and our top lane did terrible as well. So the match was lost either way. At this point I am doomed to be stuck at this elo for this whole season. This recent match, we were winning and then Sona went afk the rest of the game. I just dont see any hope in playing to win, even if I get the lane that I want. You just have to get really lucky that your team doesn't AFK/DC, and then hope that they are decent enough and don't make one big mistake too many.
Steel Legion Garen, VERY, very early in its development.
Thresh is pretty powerful as a support. Very good as a support/tank. Steel Legion Garen looks sick!
Thresh Login music sooo gud.
We got new splash arts folks! [url=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-qjWrR1sero4/UPxoCY63OMI/AAAAAAAAO70/vCXnzLbtNL8/s640/Garen_Splash_6.jpg]Steel Legion Garen.[/url] [url=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-JLumob4BEOk/UPxnYf3SmVI/AAAAAAAAO7M/tdMtNt9LcSc/s640/Annie_Splash_8.jpg]Panda Annie.[/url] [url=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-x_BRJw69gWI/UPxnsWFVdqI/AAAAAAAAO7U/3_qE4ShpM2Y/s640/Cassiopeia_Splash_4.jpg]Jade Fang Cassiopeia.[/url] [url=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-igTk_EAwK0s/UPxnsjV4-LI/AAAAAAAAO7Y/MGemJ5cXzjQ/s640/Corki_Splash_6.jpg]Dragonwing Corki.[/url] [url=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-xvQEJPcdN90/UPxn3L-cdmI/AAAAAAAAO7k/Vdc0PvQRqhk/s640/JarvanIV_Splash_5.jpg]Warring Kingdoms/Lu Bu Jarvan IV.[/url] [url=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-1V3dBBswFD0/UPxn3Yte8aI/AAAAAAAAO7o/HQKQ5KSiGr8/s640/XinZhao_Splash_5.jpg]Warring Kingdoms/Zhao Yun Xin Zhao.[/url]
Steel Legion Lux Splash just dropped, obviously going with Steel Legion Garen.