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9/28/2009 1:59:32 PM
The Sangheili Major punched the Spartan's visor, and felt it crack. The human elite didn't have energy shields at least. Zharn rained blows upon the Demon, and then drew a plasma grenade from his belt. He activated it, and wedged it firmly between the crack in the Spartan's visor. It exclaimed a human swear word in shock, and, managing to throw Zharn off, detached it's helmet, tossing it away. The grenade exploded, and it was in such close proximity to the Demon that it sent him flying to the ground again. Without his helmet, the Demon seemed a lot less demonic. It was certainly still imposing, with steely grey eyes, and a cold, hard face, but not as intimidating as the figure before. He had short, black hair, no visible beard, and scars hashed across his face. The skin of the Demon was as pale as the snow at their feet. "Those helmets cost a lot of money Elite, that was inconsiderate of you." the Spartan exhaled out, rising to it's knees and throwing a punch towards Zharn, who jumped away. The momentum of the punch caused the human to fall to the ground again, face first. The Elite laughed, he was actually [i]winning[/i] the fight. His elation lasted for but a short time though, for suddenly, he heard the rumble of human vehicles in the distance, along with the shouts of men. They were drawing closer to his position. The Spartan smiled from the floor. "You may have bested me, but you'll die before the hour is up." spoke the Demon, and Zharn knew he was right. In anger, he hoisted the Spartan up with effort, grabbing him by the collar of the shirt he wore beneath his armour. Zharn walked towards the cliff edge, peering down into the icy waters some hundred feet below. "Perhaps, but by the Covenant Demon, you shall die now. Pray to your heathen Gods." Zharn growled, and then he tossed the Spartan into the air. Everything seemed to go slowly, the Demon's eyes widened in shock, and he made a desperate grope for Zharn. The human missed, and slowly tumbled down to the waters below, his screams of frustration penetrating Zharn's ears. There was a splash below, and the Demon sunk under the waters, swept away by the raging current. Zharn stared at his hands in shock, shaking. He had just killed a Demon. An actual, living Demon. Never before had a single Elite accomplished such a feat. This was certain to earn him favour in the Council. The Elite grasped the fractured helmet of the Spartan, which lay on the floor near him, plasma still crackling across it's surface. Of course, there would be no favour to be gained if he died. The human forces were drawing nearer, and they would no doubt shoot Zharn on sight. He couldn't see any viable escape plan. It turned out he wouldn't need one, for at that moment, a familiar noise sailed over the nearby mountain, and descended down to the base. A Phantom! It rained plasma down upon the human forces approaching, and they scattered in fear. The Phantom held fast near Zharn's position, and a gravity beam was lowered. A figure poked it's head out from the circular entrance. "Hurry Elite, it will not be long before the humans rally their Wolverines to destroy this vessel." The Brute urged, and Zharn hesitated for a moment. Brutes? Still, any Covenant was better than no Covenant, and so Zharn ran to the beam, and floated upwards into the Phantom's bay. He felt the mangy paw of the Brute support him, and pulled away in disgust. Curs. Zharn then noticed two other figures in the Phantom, Sangheili. Ahkrin and Sorran! Although the latter seemed to be asleep. He moved towards them, and greeted Ahkrin with a warm embrace. "My thanks for coming back for me brother," Zharn spoke gratefully, and felt the Phantom begin to move into the distance. Zharn then lowered his voice, "but...Brutes?" "They were the only local forces in the area Zharn, and at least they rescued you. Do not be so quick to judge. It is good to see you again." Ahkrin replied. "Is Sorran still I slumber?" Zharn asked in puzzlement, surely the Sangheili Minor would have awoken by now. The Major saw Ahkrin grimace. "Would it that he was. I believe he has been poisoned brother, by the bastard humans. Even as we speak, we are headed towards [i]Immortal Repentance[/i], but a short slip space jump away." the Stealth Sangheili explained, and Zharn nodded. Now that he looked closely, he could see the flecks of spittle and pale skin of Sorran. Undoubtedly poison. "May the ancients watch over him." Zharn prayed, and Ahkrin nodded. Then the Stealth Sangheili noticed what Zharn held in his hand. "Is that the helmet of the Demon brother? Pray tell how you did come across it." Ahkrin questioned, and a spark of pride entered Zharn's eye. "I killed the Demon Ahkrin, threw it off a cliff into the icy currents below. He shall trouble us no further." Zharn boasted, holding the Spartan helmet up for Ahkrin to inspect closely. "That is indeed an astounding feat my friend. You must tell the Council of this, no doubt they shall bestow the highest honour of honours upon your person." Zharn's friend exclaimed, impressed. Zharn was about to reply, when he heard heavy footsteps behind him. The Elite Major turned to see a Brute Chieftain, garbed in the ceremonial power armour of the Brutes. "I wager you are hungry, Sangheili. Perchance you would partake of our food to ease the aching in your belly?" the Chieftain questioned, and Zharn nodded gratefully. "That I would. Thanks unto you...Brute." he said, and the Chieftain grunted, barking an order to his inferior, who made to hastily gather food. Perhaps the Jiralhanae were not so bad after all. Perhaps. "Come Zharn, let us eat together, and pray for Sorran's safe recovery." Ahkrin intoned, and Zharn nodded distantly. It was nice to be safe once again, for however long that may last.

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