am i the only one who in pvp my coldsnap goes right to the person does the animation and audio of the freeze procing then just doesn't freeze like is this a known bug or no?
All the time, freeze melee does it to. I assume its the garbage p2p latency. Same thing that causes the teleporting melee's we see all the time. It's as if the game says you died before you cast it, so you see the animation, but the connection doesn't send it. To bad it consumes the ability charge when the connection clearly did not allow the ability to take effect. Don't worry Bungie will nerf the exotic to make it more worthless.... Oh wait
Hi there, Thanks for your report. If this happens again, please try to capture a video to illustrate the issue you're experiencing. Once you have one, you can upload it to a public video hosting site like YouTube, and we'll be sure to take a look.