As always bungie, graphics are amazing, this games play style is the best of the best of The best, but we waited for act 2 and we got what, 2 1/2 missions, and it’s over. Waited for how long? As of the past year or two I’m always wanting more. Wishing there was more. I mean come on, hurry up and wait 6 months to a year and for what? A days worth of stunning graphics and fun game play just end up back tot he same ole grind. Especially for solo players, all the dads and working people that simply don’t have time to be in clans and work raid schedules . I’ve played destiny for years, on different consoles, I love destiny passionately but as of late, always wanting more…
Its really starting to look like people preferred the weekly content drop model. Its also just so strange when you think about the complaints about it back when it was still in the game but the good thing about it is it was something markedly improved with each season. Who knows if frontiers is going to have the resources to bring it back but people seem to have their ways of asking for it.