My friend is in Europe and does not have access to his D2 account at the moment. Is it bannable if I go onto his account (with his permission) to get him the special banshee guns on sale, such as the adept hothead. Or is it fine if I go onto his account and get him the guns.
Hi there. There shouldn't be any problem with that if all you're doing is picking up things in the Tower. Bungie would be more concerned if you were playing on the account to acquire something hard to get, boost progress, etc. For more info and examples of what kind of activity does and doesn't pose a risk, see the Account Recoveries section of [url=]Bungie's Ban Policies[/url]. Also note Bungie currently has no end date for how long the weapons will be available at Banshee. [quote]Starting November 19, Banshee-44 will have a small collection of weapons in the Tower with curated perk rolls. Our goal is to get you some perk combinations that were a bit harder to earn due to the bug. We do not currently have a planned deadline for acquisition, but we recommend picking these weapons up at your earliest convenience.[/quote]