Currently, hunter strand grapple with widow’s silk is bugged. If you have 1 charge of grapple and you die, the cooldown of the second grapple charge resets to 0. For instance, if you have 1 charge and let’s say that your second grapple charge is 90% charged but you die, you’ll respawn with 1 grapple and 0% charge to your second grapple. I don’t see it under the known issues list which is why I’m posting here. I’m not sure if this same interaction occurs with other grenade types or just grapple, I didn’t check. This is pretty easy to replicate, just load up crucible on strand hunter with grapple and widow’s silk, have only 1 full charge of grapple, let your second charge build to a noticeable amount and then die. You’ll see that the second charge gets reset.
I noticed this while playing crucible in the supremacy and class clash playlists during the week of 11/12/2024. There are also some weird interactions when popping hunter strand super and it not refunding abilities. I’m not sure if those are intended (seems odd if it is intended imo), as I know that strand hunter received some nerfs a while back but the bottom line is things don’t seem to be working right with strand hunter and I’d like to be able to enjoy a subclass I paid money for please and thank you.
As a side note, I have to assume that the second grapple charge getting reset isn’t an intended interaction because it kind of defeats the entire purpose of the widow’s silk aspect. Not to mention, if it is intended, it seems like an extremely heavy-handed way of nerfing strand hunter when (needless to say) other subclass options are far more oppressive in the pvp sandbox.
Any updates would be appreciated.
Any perk that gives you an additional ability charge is bugged. All additional abilities are being reset on death.