Arc Hunter has always just been decent, never op, but with all these nerfs it's getting hit with, because of Prismatic, it's gonna end up closer to the dumpster level of the rest of the neglected Arc subclass. If you're going to nerf things because of Prismatic (which admittedly does need nerfs), then make it specific to Prismatic, don't nerf the other weaker subclasses just because Prismatic is op.
Edit: To be clear, I'm talking about all the Combination Blow nerfs Bungie has been throwing out in recent patches. The Storm's Edge nerfs make perfect sense, even on Arc, because it was such a problem in PvP.
When bungie revamped arc into arc 3.0, they really needed to get rid of combination blow. Melee builds to that extent should never be as strong as they have been allowed to be. Combination blow, titan throwing hammer, the strand titan melee builds from a few seasons ago, they were all comically overtuned and needed to be gutted. What would help arc hunter out a bunch is letting tempest strike be a normal melee instead of an aspect, then buffing grenades. Arc in general needs their fragments revamped too since they launched in such a poor state. Point contact brace on titans is proof that with the right combination of things, arc can be very fun and enjoyable, but the right combination is very tricky to achieve right now with the current state of arc 3.0.