Hello, for two days now when I enter the game, first the banner "connecting to destiny servers" appears, then either after selecting a character or before that I get the error "weasel". I checked everything that you indicated in the "Network Troubleshooting Guide" and still I can't enter the game
Hi there! Error code WEASEL indicates a general networking issue. This could include packet loss, network congestion, or a Wi-Fi signal issue. Please note that error code WEASEL does not indicate a game ban. This is a separate message. Please review the Network Troubleshooting Guide, linked below, for possible reasons and potential fixes. https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049496531-Network-Troubleshooting-Guide If the Network Troubleshooting Guide does not resolve your issue, it is possible that your ISP is experiencing an issue. Please contact your ISP's support team for further guidance.