Sitting so far back with pulse rifles has to be the most mind numbing thing bungie has pushed. You dont even have to move just brainless
well 120 and 140 hand cannons which weren't really nerfed at all are just as powerful and in highly skilled hands much more powerful than pulses. i have relatively high stats in trials and already ascendant in comp and there has been nothing that has pounded me harder than some handcannon millisecond peek shooter. what really needs to happen is that we need 450 3 burst pulses to be buffed in rpm to .8 ttk and 360 autos to be buffed to a .75 ttk and precision autos need to be fully reverted. this will place bxr, vex mythoclast, and prosecutor right back into the meta but not dominating it and i think it will have enough guns in it to be a fully balanced meta. i swear though if high ground is put on anymore weapon archetypes than it already has been ill delete this game my whole vault and all my characters instantly. at the same time though to the people wanting it nerfed all you have to do is use your brain a little bit to counter it. more meta weapons not less.