Bungie has announced there was a problem with the comp points which is good for then to finally confirm. But what about the match making. The population is low, but the sbmm they still have in the playlist is killing it even more than normal. Its completely different from previous seasons that had the same MM. Would love a dev to confirm they're looking into this.
Wait, last night i "only" had to wait 20 minutes to finally find a single comp match? What could possibly be wrong with that? I said it a billion times before. SBMM has no right to exist in casual pve main game with a dead pvp portion. Before i always said, let us have the casual playlist without sbmm and put it into ranked. Now that literally noone plays anymore and the games pvp is a barren wasteland, even ranked is literally unplayable with SBMM. I wonder where all the noobs went who were begging for sbmm 24/7. They kept insisting that they will play so much more with sbmm. Guess not. But hey i don't play the game anymore anyways so who cares. Back to Black Ops 6 where i have 10 second queues WITH strict SBMM. Atleast some pvp shooters arent completely dead.