Sidearms should never be balanced to compete with primaries imo… but they do pair well with more long range primary options…. Like scouts, pulse rifles, and bows
What they should compete with for playtime is shotguns and smgs… (again the balance is off if people are running shotgun + sidearm or shotgun + smg)
So what’s a good direction for sidearms?
Personally they have some quality of life changes that I think could make them better.
1.) more ammo in the mag… while 300rpms actually have a decent amount of ammo… lightweight and rapid fire have like no ammo relative to their ttks
2.) make every sidearm full auto… these things are spray guns…especially within 15m you can’t stay in (ads) while being pushed by a shotty… you gotta be able to bob and weave… hence hip fire, spray ability, and mobility are important for running sidearms
Sidearms are already full-auto. Simply select the option in the menu. Sidearms have the fastest strafe speeds in the game (minus some exotic pairings). They get 85% movememt while ADS'd. On top of that, they're fairly accurate in the air, even with low AE. Sidearms kill faster than SMGs but have less range to offset that advantage. Sidearms also deal burst damage better than SMGs, so playing from cover can be advantageous. Now, your comment about magazine sizes is spot on. It's BS that basically all sidearms have 12 to 15 shots in the mag, even the rapid-fire ones. Faster fire rate weapons should get a little more ammo, not less or the same.