Everyone’s quitting QP and comp matches (trials happens also), and I have to stay, take the L, lose points, kd, and most important, my time. I have to stay because if I don’t, I got punished and suspended. Do you see why your system is bad?
I joined a match in progress, everyone in my team keeps leaving, I leave also and got suspended, why?
You have something wrong with your system and algorithm, because you are not protecting the players who stay. Your “quitter’s protection” algorithm only works in very specific situations, most of the time the teammates leave and I have to stay and take the f L.
You MUST have a better protection specially in SOLOS.
Edited by Olórin: 10/26/2024 9:13:41 AMCan they just do what OW2 does? When a player Leaves - a countdown begins and when that timer hits 0 you have the option to leave without getting a Penalty but still gaining a Loss (obviously). Saves time and effort and gives players an option if they think they can do a 2v3. How long is a comp game, 10 minutes? So after like a minute or 30 seconds a notification pops up in-game to let you know you can leave with a Loss with no penalty.