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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
9/28/2024 12:52:53 AM

i think a few other people feel this way too so i'll just say it.

i think that all weapons with a bayonet should be used in place of the normal melee animation so long as the bayonet was meant to be a bayonet like on the monte carlo, the crimson, and the red death reformed. let me go just a bit more in depth. bayoneted weapons should replace the normal melee animation on all classes as long as the class has a weapon with a bayonet in hand, and as a biproduct of holding the bayonet weapon, the animation being replaced isn't the only thing that happens, the weapon extends reach slightly as well to reflect that the weapon has a bayonet on it. the damage wouldn't increase, just the range. and that, along with the animation, are the only things that change. let me know what you think and if you don't like it then just say "i don't like this" and if you have to say anything, please be constructive so that i can make better suggestions and have better feedback for the devs in the future. i'm doing my best to make feedback that everybody or at least most people enjoy so that the devs can make the game better for everybody.

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