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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
9/27/2024 6:48:22 AM

Why does Destiny almost have to fully die for Bungie to start doing something?

Like player numbers are worse than they were during curse of osiris atm. Player engagement and care for the game are at the lowest ever. The franchise was huge. And obviously Destiny is Bungies cash cow. How is it possible that they keep on going with their minimal effort strat. Forsaken saved them financially because they pulled their ### together and shipped a banger after realizing they can't continue that zero effort, no passion route with their small and arguably bad content drops during year 1. Guess what we get after these 3 episodes again? Yea small "expansions" just like curse of osiris and warmind were.. That worked out well right? Now we are at the same spot and even worse when it comes to player engagement because of them catering to elitists exclusively, them not doing proper expansions anymore and them not focusing on the core game. Yea they keep promising to do so but always "in the distant future". The ship already sank. There is no proper "distant future" for the game. That's always been their major issue, they can't push changes to their strategy quickly enough because they fired all their talent due to cost efficiency. Look at the crucible changes they plan for 2025 now in the last TWAB. Those changes were needed back in 2020 when they ruined pvp entirely during beyond light. The games pvp never recovered from that. Now noone cares about your pvp anymore. Its wasted dev time at this point, i hate to say it as a former pvp main. Now i dont play the game anymore at all outside of some seasonal story for one hour every week during season launch. You ignored your majority of players, the feeding hand, the casuals. For what? Satisfied 24/7 playing gremlins. Now theres no casuals left playing your game and your financial situation is looking very bad. Who would have thought. But hey, we have a contest mode for a dungeon coming, that will bring the casuals back, i'm sure...

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  • The only thing that has killed this game is zero innovation mixed with Bungie being totally apathetic to their players. I've played this game solo or duo for my entire time playing it and if you're not getting hard carried by healers and meta loadouts, it isn't that easy at all. I do agree that the casual audience is more important. You will never make the game hard enough for people that have no life and use every cheese, glitch, and meta option while complaining about the game being easy.

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    • Edited by ELDER31674: 9/28/2024 12:28:06 AM
      because it called ego and unfortunately bungie let their blow up the company for the laugh and because they thought they would make bank, and Sony would not rip them one for it. And that ladies and gentlemen is how you tank a Triple A studio. Give a upvote if you agree.

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      4 Replies
      • The fact is that the game has 10 years. It has a huge amount of content but for the players that play it for 10 years, the game is now boring and repetitive.

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      • I doubt that the modifiers Bungie is bringing next year will bring more players. The logical evolution after Final Shape would be Destiny 3. New, fresh with new different activities that would call a new generation of players while stimulating veteran ones. Lets just wait and see. I am not optimistic with the next episodes, but I hope I'm wrong.

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      • It’s a perfect storm. One, the franchise is at a natural end point with The Final Shape. Two, Bungie has been vague about what will be the plans going forwards. Three, the company is in disarray. The consequences of years of very poor management (which seems to be a serious problem in the video game industry in general) are finally being visited on Bungie. So many of the people who would have addressed these problems have probably been laid off/fired/ left the company. Four, player morale is low because of all of this. Which is why, imo, Pete Parsons needs to step down. I doubt he will (CEOs generally have egos that won’t allow them to do the right thing unless they are literally forced to).

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        • Haven’t played in a few weeks which is rare for me.

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        • Destiny is gunna be a vegetable soon

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        • [quote]we expect the number of games that end in mercies to increase[/quote] I completely believe them.

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        • First, the expansions we are getting will be Shadow Keep sized, they will be bigger and offer more than what Curse of Osiris or Warmind offered (we also still get seasons) Second, Bungie has been catering to casuals non-stop and are now choosing to dedicate themselves to the dedicated players who actually stuck around. Third, Crucible is in a bad spot due to casuals, end of.

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          17 Replies
          • Edited by Ferus Lux: 9/28/2024 1:26:54 AM
            The series has been going for 10 years. Many players got the closure they wanted from The Final Shape and moved on. Bungie DID do something. It was a fantastic expansion that has run its course. The End. These posts are just obnoxious at this point. If you don't like the changes on the horizon just...go play something else. Destiny 2 is winding down and updates will be smaller and smaller until interest is low enough to shut down.

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            5 Replies
            • The problem isn't Destiny, it's Bungie. They've been the biggest enemy to Destiny since before it even released. Bungie needs to go away and then just maybe, Destiny can reach its potential.

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              • The problem is that they're owned by a big company that doesn't care about the game and they thought they could fire people and still have a good game. It doesn't work that way though and they will just work on another game once this one finally sinks

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              • ignored the casuals? brother this game is a super ful lcasual game atm, that's why is dying

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                  prid3 33
                  prid3 33

                  Excited for my icebreaker to come back - 9/28/2024 12:33:31 AM

                  The answer to this is Pete. All problems with anything start at the top and trickle down. Pete and his greed is the problem.

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