i have had my name for more than a year, Lord Shaxx´s Punching Bag not even remotely close to be offending to everyone, but i was hit by the bungie mess up. and ive never recieved a name token.. its kinda infuriating at this point.
Hey there. If you can enter a new name on your profile, it means you do have a name change available. If the name is not being accepted, it is due to some of the names that were hit, not being properly unlocked as intended. That's a known issue and is under investigation. If you have no name tokens available, it says this in red text, and you are unable to enter a new name at all.
allright, seems i just have to try to find a new name then, kinda sucks as i liked my old. i appreciate the help thou from both of you, given the info in writing, and and the imgur links posted, as the first one of those looks like it does for me. im just gonna assume, then, that when i do pick a name and press save settings, if the name is allright, it will stop refresh back to the guardian one and actuelly keep that new.