BNet still refuses to let me change my name. It won't allow my original "Sol Knightt" or anything else I've tried. When I click save, it just says "You can only change your Bungie Name one time" and doesn't do anything else.
I thought Bungie gave out tokens for this issue. Are they slowly rolling them out or what? I've had my Xbox name for 17 years. I'm not playing D2 or any other Bungie game until my name is restored. I refuse to be some nameless number.
going to post this again as it's helped in the past and may continue to help as people keep running into this: if you're using firefox or chrome, try doing this in another browser like edge - i haven't been able to click 'save' on my profile settings page until i did this. prior names not being allowed is a different issue that they hopefully resolve - some have been able to get their old name back, some haven't
Hey there, if you can enter a new name into the text box, it means you do have a name change available. If you did not, it would say 'no name changes available' in red, and would not allow a new name to be entered at all. So it is just being flagged for some reason. Whether Bungie's effort to unlock the older names has not worked on that one, or it's hitting the filter for another reason, they'd have to comment on this themselves. But you do have a name change available to you.
Same, hoping this gets fixed.
Hi! Thanks for letting us know. We are currently investigating.
Same- Though it was my BF affected- He's my Ride or Die, and frankly, the uninstall is looking pretty damned appealing atm
Probably for Sol kNIGht. Maybe Sol Warrior?