When I purchased the Xur ghost shell it glowed like the sun, now it looks like someone forgot to pay the electricity bill, I no longer have what I paid for, I want my money(silver) back. I demand it by Consumer rights 2015 Part 1 chapter 3. Or else…
Hi! Thanks for reaching out. The abnormally bright IX Shell was a [url=https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/destiny_2_update_8051]known issue[/url] and was [b]not[/b] intended. We have fixed this issue as of update, hence why the glow has been adjusted. [quote]Fixed an issue that caused the Ghost Shell "IX Shell" to glow extremely brightly when certain shaders were applied.[/quote] Please also note that [b]we do not provide refunds for Silver[/b], as stated in our [url=https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049497091-Destiny-Silver-Purchases-Guide#silver-refunds-or-transfers-0-1]Destiny Silver Purchases Guide.[/url] [quote]Players that receive Silver refunds, chargebacks, or have their payments denied by the platform marketplaces may see their Silver balance adjusted in Destiny 2. Bungie does not provide Silver refunds or transfers for any Destiny release. • Players that receive platform refunds or chargebacks of Silver they HAVE NOT SPENT in-game will see that the refunded Silver is removed from the Silver balance on their account. • Players that receive platform refunds or chargebacks of Silver they HAVE SPENT in-game will see a negative Silver balance on their account. • Players with a negative Silver balance will not be able to purchase Eververse Items until the outstanding Silver balance on their account has been repaid. • If a Silver purchase is not being accurately reflected on the in-game Silver balance, please see the suggested troubleshooting steps listed below. • IMPORTANT: Players found to be abusing Silver refunds or chargebacks may be temporarily restricted or permanently banned.[/quote]