My "Zaouli's Bane (Harrowed)", as a reward from one of the Godslayer title achievements, when being enhanced in the first week of the Final Shape did not have one of its perks become enhanced (3rd columns' 'Explosive Payload').
As well as my friends Hammerhead, which neither of his 3rd or 4th column perks became enhanced. They remain as non-enhanced perks, became deselected after attempting to enhance and still have the red icons around the 3rd & 4th column perks as if to imply they can still be enhanced, despite being max enhancement level (3). Same behavior displayed for my Zaouli's. https://imgur.com/7qtRogg - for hammerhead
Please Help, Thanks
[quote]Some weapons do not receive enhanced perks when Enhanced. This impacts fixed weapon rolls from pursuits and Triumphs prior to The Final Shape’s launch.[/quote] https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/twid_06_13_2024