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7/13/2024 2:58:21 AM

Unofficial story time?

I've just been revamping some creative writing that started in July 2017. So please bear with my terrible amature grammar and editing skills for my creative imagination. Moments in time part 1 of 2 (part 2 in reply) I was just a little girl when the conspiracies began about the joint mission to Mars. The leaks of an unknown object tracked after telemetry reports began to surface. After freelance,telescopes released new pictures of mars with rain clouds and thunderstorms. world citizens began demanding answers from earth's newly aligned United governments of earth. They called it the traveler because it moved from planet to planet moon to moon. The scientific community was buzzing, trying to answer overwhelming questions pouring in. Advances in medicine were also taking place as life expectancy rose to new heights. As I grew up wondering where these new rockets and ships were going so I enlisted with Clovis braytech. A fairly new corporate science center taking groves of applications. About ten years after applying, the traveler had traveled to Venus, and I was contacted by a woman "Helga" from Braytech. She had asked me many questions. One question stuck out was, "What are your interest in interplanetary biology? At first, I thought it was a trick question until I remembered reading about how Mars changed after the traveler had spent time there. The pictures of trees and oasis's in a time magazine. So I posed a question back to her: How could trees grow on a planet if we didn't seed them? Helga: I like the way you think. I will book your flight immediately to come in and finish some paperwork and medical assessments. I will be sending you a package with the things you'll need. It should be there in a couple of days. We will talk further then. Call ended Mother outside from the high-rise balcony: Who was that Sam? As Sam walks out the balcony outside, Braytech mother. Mother: Where you accepted? Sam turned to face her mother, who was in her wheelchair with darkened sunglasses. Sam squatted in front of her. Her mother, feeling the cooling shadow of Sam, she began reaching her arms and hands to Sam's face upon touching her face ,feeling Sam's facial expression, her thumbs tracing her daughters lips. Mother: I wish I could see your smile again. ake it you were accepted. Sam: I wish father was still alive, mom. As tears rolled down her face touching her moms thumbs, Sam's mom moved her thumbs to wipe away the tears from Sam's eyes. Mother: Don't cry, my dear, your father would be proud. Sam: That's not why I am crying. Mother: Why is it you cry then? Sam: Who's going to care for you after I leave for Braytech? Mother: You shouldn't have to worry my food and supplies are always delivered, and there are nurses who can help with which you do. This is a great opportunity for you, and I don't want you to miss out on it, Sam. Sam looks at her mothers smile, aher tears fading back. As Sam lifts herself back up, turning to the city slowly lighting up as the sun sets. She walks behind her mother, grabbing the handles of the wheelchair. Sam: Let's get you cleaned up and ready for bed, mom. Mother: Thank you, Sam. Sam starts rolling her mother back into the apartment behind them in the sky planes roam the sky as some depart to the stars in the end of the dusk sky. After finishing cleaning her mother up and making sure she took her pills. She lifts her mom from the wheelchair to her bed. Sam: Do you want the radio on? Mother: No, that's fine. Make sure you shut the light off. Sam: Okay, love you, mom. Mother: Love you too, dear. Sam shuts the door, leaving it cracked open a little bit. She walks over to her desk and turns on her terminal. As her screen flickers on a beep in kitchen sounds. Walking to the kitchen, she pours herself some coffee and shuts off the coffee maker. Walking back to her desk, she shuts off lights along the way. She sits down in her chair, turning on a desk light. Scrolling throughout her email, finding nothing important opens the news browser. Cosmodrome news: Cosmodrome launches a record number of cargo supplies to Mars, also sending a new record of colonists to the changed planet. Also, the Carvac transportation vehicle corporation has won a bid to start building their first interplanetary plant on mars. Traveler news: In recent events, the sphere has left mars and has disappeared into Venus's dense clouded atmosphere. UEG declined to answer questions about the traveler, as did Clovis Braytech. Speculation is among the science communities. Maybe it will terraform Venus as well as most media speculates. Conspiracy theory news: Fanatical group lead by religious leader Dontalis Thuronp again speaks out against Genealogy and technologists Corp Clovis Braytech, saying their work is immoral to the human race. This comes as Clovis Braytech has just made a new breakthrough in life expectancy rates, and its new automated robotics division makes huge advances. Thuronp saying the robots will take humans jobs. Braytech countered his statement, saying this new line of robots will not only liberate humans from dangerous work but also create new jobs in software programming and debugging. Technology news: The UEG's affiliated government USA has announced its own space agency NASA will be grouping up with the newly formed Kestral air and space engine company to lay down the blueprints for a new class of air and space ships. They said their goal was to design ships that can travel between planets and beyond Sol, giving our recent advancement on mars. Her AI assistant Libelle chimes in: Incoming vidlite from Insinööri. Do you want me to answer? Sam: Yes, Libelle, answer it, please. Insinööri: Samantha, how are you doing, old friend, I just got some awesome news today. Sam: Just another day in the grind, so what's this good news you're talking about? Insinööri: Well, all that time in quantum mechanics class is paying off, Braytech just accepted my engineering application. Sam's face lights with a smiling glow. Sam: That's amazing nööri! Nööri: I know right, so how's your mother doing? Sam: Same as usual since she lost her mobility and sight. Nööri always looks cheerful with his ever keen look in his eyes. He puts on his serious face. Nööri: First, you have this happy face until I ask about your mom. What's going on? Sam looked with a startled surprise look on her face. Saying: Oh, nothing... Nööri: Sam--anthaaaa!! Sam: Really, nothing is bothering me. Nööri: I believe you like an apple is blue. Come on, spit it out. Sam: Since you're insisting, my application was finally accepted to, but I am worried about leaving mom alone. Nööri: Wait a second. You're telling me your application was accepted at Braytech. Your dream come true. Knowing your moms spunk, she'll push you out the door in her wheel chair. She must be proud of you, Samantha. Sam cracked a smile and started gigglingle and started smiling again. Telling him you sure know how to pull people out of the dumps. Libelle: Attachment file received. Sam: Nööri what's this? Nööri: Just open it already. Sam: Libelle open file sphrassistv0001_v. Several engineering blueprint semantics pages opening showing a ball. Sam: Nööri why did you send me engineering prints of a ball? Nööri: This isn't just a ball. Libelle: Your friend is correct Samantha, it's a mobile unit to store assistant AI like myself. A very advanced one I might add, which gives mobility control to the AI it stores. Sam: So you're giving AI personal assistants a mobility shell? A yellow ball with a painted smiling face on it floats in Nööri's video feed. Eye light blinking as it blurts out. I am not just a shell! Nööri pushes aside the yellow ball from view. Nööri: (speaking to the yellow ball) Go away Sparky and finish subset routine zeta yule. Sam: Oh, and they have a personality, too? Nööri: At first, it didn't, but it seemed so bland, so I designed an active learning program that observes human communication across the netlight. I also designed an emotion recognition program coupled with random variable choice recognition. After I uploaded the second program, I thought I wrecked it because it went silent, not listening to any commands. So I just set it aside, and then a few days later, it just started working again. The weird part was that I didn't program it to act in this kind of fashion. Sam: Are you saying it became self-aware? Nööri: Not exactly, but yeah, something close to that. It hasn't disobeyed queries yet. Sam: You and your crazy inventions never cease to amaze me. Thanks for checking up on me. It's amazing how distant people in your life become, but you're always there. Nööri: I will always be there for you, my friend. ( Sparky butts into viewer) "sparky: the light is so beautiful it's beautiful beautiful I tell you light is beauty and beauty is light." (Nööri pushes sparky out of way again as it is stuck in loop of words). Sam: It seems like you have some bugs to work out (giggling). I better get some sleep. We'll talk again. Nööri: You.. (Sparky butts in the way again still repeating looping words) (Nööri this time, puts dirty rag over it, pushing it aside). Have a good night. Yeah, it's pretty obvious something is glitching out. (Sparky still heard repeating dialog in background a bit muffled by rag) take care and sleep well Sam. Sam: You too Nööri (Sparky covered in rag butts in front of Nööri "light is beautiful" (Sam smiles) goodnight to you too little ghost. Feed ends Sam powers down her devices, "Libelle." Could you turn lights off and open blinds, please? Sam stares into the busy Manhattan skyline as the moonlight casts in her room.. She closes her eyes...

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