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7/3/2024 12:31:10 AM

Titan Rework Suggestions

With the major disparity in representation between Titans, Warlocks, and Hunters, it seems that Titans need a rework. And Bungie even seems to agree. As a Titan main, I have been thinking on this since Lightfall when we got another amazing skill: We learned to punch using the color green instead of Orange, Purple, Light Blue, and Dark Blue. Yet again we were referred to as "The melee class." Even now in TFS, with Prismatic abilities expanding toolkits for everyone, our most viable build is melee skill focused. The problem is that all classes can melee, and honestly better than Titans. Despite this lack of unique identity, we are still “The melee class.” Beyond that, our incredible skill to apply our knuckles to our target’s face is useless when the target is either too far, or too dangerous to melee. And I think I know how to fix that. We should not be the Melee class, we should be the Stalwart class, the sturdy class, the TANK class. And no, I don’t mean “Traditional RPG tank” class. Every Guardian here uses guns. Know what Tanks have in addition to armor? Giant guns or cannons. I would rework the subclass supers in the following ways: Void: Already arguably the strongest in identity but suffers from utility where is shines the strongest in the Sentinel Shield. • Sentinel Shield: Damage dealt by allies shooting through the shield will now empower the next shield throw to be explosive and deal much greater damage. This reinforces the identity as a defensive wall in a fireteam without removing any current utility. If the damage boost is good enough, it will no longer be viewed as “taking a player out of the fight.” It would also give Titans a decent “ranged” option for the content that needs it most that requires a fireteam to complete. Even when solo, popping this would allow you to mix up defense and offense and • Ward of Dawn: is fine as it is for the utility it offers. • Twilight Arsenal: is a fun option, but the DPS output is low compared to all other DPS options for other classes. I feel that it needs an aspect to remove the ability to pick up the axes in exchange for higher initial thrown damage. Or maybe have that be the default and the aspect allow for pickup. Solar: fairly good with the makings of greatness. Sunspots. • Hammer of Sol: honestly it just needs to apply scorch to targets. Being able to capitalize on scorch and ignitions would allow it to at least be more competent as a ranged option. And it would cause scorched targets to create sunspots. This would not change how it works on small targets, but would make it at least somewhat viable on bosses. • Burning Maul: Needs to create an aura around the Titan that deals scorch damage, and imbues nearby allies with restoration. The aura might be oppressive in PVP, so it may require some tuning for that. Arc: High risk, low reward. This one needs a change. • Fists of havoc: Slam needs to jolt targets, and the standard tackle needs to deal additional damage to jolted targets. This would allow it to deal more damage to single targets like bosses and reward mixing up the moves. • Thundercrash: While it is fun being the missile, it is too easily shut down because it is too slow, and it too risky/useless in content where you can’t get close to the boss. On top of the risk, it deals less damage than other comparable single cast supers. Change it so it strikes faster, and in a straight line like a lightning bolt would, and allow a second follow up strike after a second or 2 that is less powerful to allow repositioning or collateral. It would allow you to maintain the power fantasy of being the missile that explodes your enemies, while allowing you to rejoin your allies or take out another target in range. Stasis: Not a lot to change on this one. It offers control, defense, durability, and movement. • Glacial Quake: No major changes needed here. It allows you to lock down a battlefield and wreck targets in mid/short-range combat while also allowing fairly high mobility. The crystals can even be used to block areas and defend allies. If I could add one thing, I would say to add a jump-slam that would shatter all nearby crystals. This would clean up the battlefield and allow for some last second AOE damage if needed or desired. Strand: Needs one tweak to make it perfect. • Blade Fury: Turn them into the Vanguard they are meant to be. Add a sort of effect similar to Banner of War. Attacking a target with their melee ability (not just defeating) would send out a pulse of energy that would empower allies, granting increased damage against the targets you attack. Let me know what you think. I would love to have a discussion about possible changes and ideas with the community.

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