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6/29/2024 7:32:42 PM

Dual destiny

The concept of the mission is pretty cool don't get me wrong but It came out years too late. All the people I used to grind with have quit the game and lfg is horrible! With people either saying 5 words the entire time or expect you to have every day 1 raid emblem with 1k clears of each raid. The mission doesn't even seem that hard, but the 20+ lfg/fire team finder people I've got are either expecting a carry or leave as soon as they hear I've never completed it before. I enjoy playing with people and having a good time but I feel like they need to implement a way to get the exotic class items solo or make it easier so if I get a lfg who says absolutely nothing we can still make it work.

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  • I am a non-native English speaker, and it is challenging to fully express myself. So please bear with me. Dual Destiny could be an exotic weapon mission, then no one would say anything. We could have this exotic class armor after the campaign too, or Rahool could sell it like the other ones. Some people prefer or need to play solo, and it is their right. I am reading posts and I understand why people don't want to play with others.

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  • I haven't chased the class exotic, and given that there is RNG involved in which perks you get, resulting in a lot of players just repeatedly grinding to get the roll they want, I have little to no interest in it. Dual Destiny isn't the only time you're pushed to communicate with others though. One of the post campaign missions asks you to complete the 3 co-op focused missions. Due to the mechanics of these co-op missions you also need to communicate. My first (and only) attempt at one of those missions resulted in one guy at the first encounter absolutely losing it at our third because they kept shooting the black diamond node as soon as it appeared. Rather than patiently explain that both nodes need to be shot at the same time, guy started heaping insults and quit. I run Prophecy now and then, and it's the same thing - if someone doesn't know what they're doing, there always seems to be someone else on the team that feels verbally insulting them helps.

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    7 Replies
    • I thinnk the concept is terrible! A 2 man fire team, in a game based around a 3 man fire team concept is idiotic and certainly counter intuitive. The mission is hard! I am not a supper great player and number of adds you have to kill can certainly be overwhelming. I do not have the best build, weapons or skills. This mission is not based an the average player ability, but on the top skill player ability. Couple all of that with a timer, I can't even come close to getting it done. I keep running out of time and having to repeat the first phases over and over and over again. Never getting anywhere close the last boss fight. If it had no timer, I could manage to get it done eventually. It may take me and my fire team a couple hours to complete but we would eventually get it done. With the timer we can't. The promise of a new subclass and exotic for that sub class to optimize it, was heavily used by bungie to hype the DLC and sell it to players. Then they lock the exotic behind a mission not every player can complete. This will have a long term negative impact on player spending. Bungie screwed the pooch AGAIN! Too much focus on making things too difficult for the sake of difficulty with zero regard for the average player, to much catering to the streamer crowd and elitist players out there who all say the whole game is too easy. Bungie can keep it and I will keep my money!

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      6 Replies
      • I’m kinda liking the fact this is pushing some people out of their comfort zone as I’ve yet to see anyone who was “forced to do it” and did come away from the experience negatively once they completed it.

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        14 Replies
        • Yup. Random LFG is hard. I'm having a hard time with GM Excision. People kept running into their death? I was a last survivor in the end. We only had 4 Revives. Just torture.

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        • 100% Agree, I'm not going to use fireteam finder again, i wanted to do warlords ruin, not a chance, experience needed, experts needed, or meta load outs must have clears. Paid £85+ for a dlc and i can't even find a team.

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          • Edited by Racket UK: 6/30/2024 11:58:40 PM
            The reason why you see, experience needed etc, is because the person who puts up the post , is more than likely a skilled player, and they want to get it done by having another skilled player, which is 100% fine, but what chance has a solo, or casual player who's never done it, ever getting a chance of completing it, using fireteam finder, you've more chance of finding a hen with teeth. LoL

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            5 Replies
            • Yeah Bungie made a big deal about welcoming back returning players and the community made a big deal about shouting at them for being friendless worthless solo entitled casuals etc etc. Well my friends list is long gone and Destiny LFG is not my idea of a good time and I don’t even have to explain why, lol.

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              2 Replies
              • Some of us are solo players, I'm pissed I can't play the mission or even get the cloak. 99$ for DLC I can't even play its bullcrap!!

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                24 Replies
                • I recommend giving feedback on destiny 2 everywhere including reddit, Facebook, Twitter, basically everywhere you can possibly put your review. Dual destiny is a huge problem and it needs to be fixed/looked at. If enough solo players can drop their rating then they will probably wonder why. I also recommend getting everybody you know to do it also.

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                  • Bungie people definitely way overestimate the community on the niceness scale and their “Be excellent to each other” mantra

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                    6 Replies
                    • I haven’t chased the class items either simply because they don’t benefit my play style as I tend to focus on what super I’m using and building around that. I would have more use of Orpheus with a tether or celestial with GG/Still Hunt than a cloak with random rolls that would just get vaulted right afterwards for instance.

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                    • Hit me up, I’ll help you out.

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                      3 Replies
                      • I mean for dual destiny you don’t really need to talk much besides saying a few numbers and symbols

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                        2 Replies
                        • If you will write in your lfg post that its your first time, maybe people wont be surprised and leave

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                        • I have wondered how viable the clock mechanic would work without speaking, and the best I can come up with is having one shooting the outside edge of the "clock hands" with an energy weapon, so you can see the tracers from them unlike kinetics. This seems like it would work as often players will already shoot at things to point them out to fireteam members anyway. Then the one who is not shooting will start shooting the correct one and laying down on the trigger to let the other know to shoot that node. Probably will have to test this a bit, however in theory it should work.

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                        • I can help if you still need it

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                          1 Reply
                          • Not this again, we already had to deal with all the solos and entitled people who just wanted to be handed the exotics.

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                          • Edited by Crota bin Oryx: 6/30/2024 6:48:37 PM
                            LFG is like buying a lottery ticket and hoping to win. Also the new tag based FT finder is just horrible due to lack of tags and free text options. The old one, I can say: no toxicity pls and hope for the best. Otherwise you get weirdos. Edit: No toxicity tag exists as pointer by a kind user below.

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                            3 Replies
                            • Edited by The Hermit IX: 6/30/2024 2:24:06 AM
                              Hit up Jonty28. Look him up and DM him. Tell him I sent you and he will do his best to get you done. He’s running sherpas tomorrow. One run and you’ll be through it. Just listen to whatever he says.. He has a great system to handle every mechanic.

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                              8 Replies
                              • I can help you out and I can explain things to you if need be. My only thing is when it comes to the call outs of the symbols I don’t use raid terms as much but I can if needed.

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                                2 Replies
                                • Wait til you find out the only way to get the ergo sum catalyst

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                                  6 Replies
                                  • 3
                                    Im down to help you run through it if you need? Will be on in about an hour

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                                    1 Reply
                                    • You should get a 50% drop chance (regardless if you did the mission or not) on overthrow clears once you've planted all luminous seeds in all 3 areas.

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                                      1 Reply
                                      • If you or anyone else needs help with it, I'm willing to lend a hand. All I would ask is that you have the symbols pulled up or remembered in some way.

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                                        1 Reply
                                        • I still want to do it. Anyone down to run it some time tonight or tomorrow?

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