ISSUE: When decoding Echoes engrams into focused armor engrams they are deleted with no armor given.
1. Obtain Echoes engrams
2. Progress Echoes Act 1: A Familiar Voice to part 6 to unlock the Failsafe vendor on the H.E.L.M
3. Decrypt engrams into the armor focused engrams NOT SPECIFIC PIECES OF ARMOR
ACTUAL RESULT: Engrams are deleted with no armor given and are not sent to post master
EXPECTED RESULT: Engrams should decrypt and give armor pieces
NOTES: Do not progress the quest past part 6 so you can replicate it exactly
LINKS: Secondary video showing nothing in post master:
Hi there, Thanks for reaching out! Decoding these engrams will only provide pieces of Echoes armor that you've already unlocked. You'll need to unlock at least one of the armors before decoding the engram or the engram will be lost.