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6/27/2024 3:06:52 PM
'I don't have a problem with lgbtq+". But than openly mock it with all the extra plus signs. Too funny

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  • Edited by Artisan: 6/28/2024 10:52:25 PM
    I think it's the ridiculous, ever expanding acronym he's mocking, not necessarily the community. The **[b]acronym[/b]** is a mish-mash of silliness of what is 2 separate groups LGB (segguality) and T (gender identity). Eg some versions are LGBTQIAP+ and more, its just nonsense, some kind of let's just keep adding more, and it'll be even better philosophy. And consequently the expanding acronym has no uptake. And what are they adding ...Q...for "queer" which is no different to LG or B, or for "questioning" - and they can't even seem to make their minds up which its meant to be - ie questioning, again, the very same LG or B. Its redundant and really doesn't help.

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  • And -blam!-

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  • You do understand that gender is fluid and changes with the times right?

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  • My post was exclusively limited to the acronym. Biological [chromosonal] gender is binary whilst to use the original doctor's differentiation, 'gender expression' is subjective. Unfortunately the terms have been conflated and muddied.

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  • funny thing is, if bio gender is defined by what chromosomes you have, then it isn't binary at all. next time just admit you never did anything to do with biology.

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  • Biological gender is limited to Male and Female. Anything outside of those two categories is naturally a mutation. It is Binary. You can’t account for mutations much like how you can’t account for outliers within a data set.

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  • "it's binary and only these two but also there's these things outside of it, but it's still binary bro!!!" also yes you can account for outliers that's a good percentage of what you learn in statistics and data gathering

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  • Those mutations I talked about often cause more harm than good. In all considerations, they should not be treated as a standard. This, coupled with the fact that they are quite rare is why I called them outliers. As such, these harmful mutations should not be taken into account when dealing with Biological Gender. I am not talking about the social construct or the way one person may perceive themselves. I am talking about biology, and acting like what I say is false, is for lack of a better term, ignorant and foolish. Furthermore, you do not have to mock me or treat me like an idiot because I had an argument that went against your opinion. An argument, that is based within biology.

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  • That has no logic to it. Chromosomes determine biological binary gender. That's an undisputed fact.

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  • Biologically, intersex people exist. Biological s[i][/i]ex still isn't binary.

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  • Chromosomes determine what chromosomes you're going to have. It is humans who decide what gender that correlates to, and even then if it's a 1 to 1 correspondance then humans get it wrong a lot of the time, for example, Turner Syndrome means that a human is born with X chromosomes. Not XX or XY, X. What are they? Jacob's Syndrome: XYY, Klinefelter Syndrome: XXY, Trisomy X, and I could go on. Not to mention every inter[WORD THAT RHYMES WITH HEX BECAUSE I KNOW BUNGIE IS GONNA CENSOR IT] person that exists that doesn't even outwardly fit into the chromosomal definition. Your "undisputed facts" are born from a naïve outlook on the world, one that peaked in high school.

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  • Edited by Artisan: 6/28/2024 7:04:14 PM
    [quote]Chromosomes determine what chromosomes you're going to have. [/quote] Ah, that is the same nonsense logic I referenced to previously. The whole genome's [i]heredity[/i] determines what chromosomes you have - they dont 'determine themselves'. [quote]It is humans who decide what gender that correlates to,[/quote] No, they determine, along with a complex and still little understood causality in the whole body-mind organism, their [i]gender identity[/i], not their biological gender. I distinguished them very clearly to be understood even by Internet surfers and SJWs. [quote]Turner Syndrome means that a human is born with X chromosomes. Not XX or XY, X. [/quote] So Turner syndrome and many others aren't orders of biological gender, they are DISorders and abnormalities of chromosomes. Gender (biological, chromosonal) is binary, unchangeable, encoded in every cell in the body. [quote]Not to mention every inter[WORD THAT RHYMES WITH HEX BECAUSE I KNOW BUNGIE IS GONNA CENSOR IT] person that exists that doesn't even outwardly fit into the chromosomal definition.[/quote] So, again, the common misinformation: interseggs has nothing to do with Trans gender identity and expression. And what is now so termed, is an umbrella term for a whole category of rare DIS-orders, syndromes, and abnormalities. They are not [i]orders[/i] of gender (biol.), theyre [i]disorders[/i], typically characterised by infertility. [quote] Your "undisputed facts" are born from a naïve outlook on the world, one that peaked in high school.[/quote] Actually Universities specialising in this, those annoying actual real-world scientific facts, unlike this common Internet-level and very apparent agenda-driven misinformation.

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  • [quote]No, they determine, along with a complex and still little understood causality in the whole body-mind organism, their [i]gender identity[/i], not their biological gender. I distinguished them very clearly to be understood even by Internet surfers and SJWs.[/quote] Soooo... We just gonna gloss over the fact that the terms AFAB (assigned female at birth) and AMAB (assigned male at birth) don't exist? And who makes these decisions? Doctors. And how are they determined? By certain visual [i]biolgical[/i] criteria. Not by chromosomal testing, which could reveal a different make up entirely. And they can't exactly ask the baby at that point what they think they are. And you know what? Nestled in that, is a third option that can occur. They can be assigned inter(word that rhymes with hex). But all too often, that doesn't happen in a lot of places in the world. The doctors will try and make them fit the outdated "binary". Again, based on physical [i]biological[/i] things that they can see. So no. Humans, other humans not the person in question themselves, have been determining people's biological gender for time immemorial. They literally do it when they announce that your child is a girl or a boy when they are born.

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  • [quote]who makes these decisions? Doctors. And how are they determined? By certain visual [i]biolgical[/i] criteria. [/quote] Morphology. Chromosome testing or further inquiry simply isnt required in most cases because it is apparent. [quote] And they can't exactly ask the baby at that point what they think they are.[/quote] So, that's not biological gender of which their opinion is irrelevant. It may well be critical to their wishes, feelings, sense of identity because those are different things. [quote] They can be assigned inter(word that rhymes with hex). [/quote] Already explained this. Interseggs isnt Trans-gender identity and has nothing to do with it. It is an umbrella category of rare disorders. [quote] The doctors will try and make them fit the outdated "binary". [/quote] This is absolute pernicious nonsense. In cases of SOME interseggs babies the doctors and specialists will tirelessly work with often extremely worried parents and carefully consider compassionate options. There is nothing "outdated" about the biological reality and there is nothing "outdated" about biological, chromosomal gender being binary and unchangeable. In many other interseggs conditions it goes past completely unnoticeable and undiagnosed. Again, it has nothing to do with Trans gender identity. [quote] Humans, other humans not the person in question themselves, have been determining people's biological gender for time immemorial. They literally do it when they announce that your child is a girl or a boy when they are born.[/quote] This makes no sense either. Biological gender is determined by chromosomes and that is reflected in morphology without disorders. Their opinion on the matter has [i]no bearing[/i], never has, never will, on their BIOLOGICAL gender. Their opinion on their identity has [i]every[/i] bearing on their non-exclusively biological gender identity. Different things.

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  • [quote]Your "undisputed facts" are born from a naïve outlook on the world, one that peaked in high school.[/quote] These dudes are always like "it's basic biology!" and we're like "well yeah, that's the problem." lmao

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  • Edited by Smokey1322: 6/28/2024 3:35:42 AM
    Here's one for biology since you want to be forum police and comment on everybody's 200 years when they dig us all up,it's either gonna be male or female,no inbetween

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  • Edited by Vampyr-IX: 6/28/2024 3:41:28 AM
    oh you caught me! just doing my job trying to provide rational conversation in the wake of rampant hatred! also about the bones thing, multiple people in tbose fields have said that gender identification from skeletal remains is nowhere near as easy as you think, and in the 80's an "indeterminate gender" option had to be introduced. but... you know... keep talking :3 edit: they blammed the word that starts with s and rhymes with hex

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  • me.

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  • You can't be serious....all that means is there is no clear or easy way to determine if skeletons are MALE or FEMALE

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  • Edited by Vampyr-IX: 6/28/2024 3:49:15 AM
    Yes! And it also means, if we factor in the many, many chromosomal abnormalities that can occur which renders the "chromosomes = gender" view moot, that there are a lot of incorrectly classified skeletons too! Some are even incorrect if defined as male OR female, because more than those two exist!

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