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Edited by NiceGuyMLGFTW: 6/25/2024 12:05:45 AM

Gambit Wars: Sparta #Devs

Gambit Wars: Sparta #Devs Drifter was fed a cheap trick. Not many would fall for this trick but it was a shame he did. He trusted someone, a stranger with information of a planet where the golden jade flower grew. A flower of real power able to enlighten, guide, and correct a mind. Pure knowledge not of stringed flimsy wishes, and Drifter salivated to steal it. Conniving and scheming is a skill he grew a taste for; and he would become the “man who set-it-all-up”. The Wholesaler. Two parties needed something and he would make it happen. A race needed a ship to escape subjugation from people that he knew very well and have gone to war with. He would twist the rules and risk it all. Friendship. Trust. All of it. Fact is: whatever this race was running away from; it was certainly serious. Entire race Annihilation level kind of serious. Their disaster level actions created unwanted attention from the Green Soldiers. Mysterious Warriors originating from fearsome bloodlines and wars of a forgotten place called: Sparta. This race desperately needed a ship, or a fleet, and Drifter knew a Master Artisan to build such impossible things. Hmm… Heck, for the Flower, he even threw in and sold-out a legendary Captain of renown with the only ship that can ferry the Master Artisan to such a dead black-holed place filled with weird icky people in deep sh!t. That was the plan. It was utter genius with him patting himself on the back——He would get the Flower, stiff the black-hole weirdos, use the Flower to finish every war in every reality he needed to finish, take a vacay, and gain the knowledge to correct all of the unjustified conundrums he’s gone through. The Green Soldiers would kick his azz but he would ta-daa the Flower and Green guys would be: Aha. Right as rain. Friendship saved. The upper ups would be overwhelmed over-amazed with their always-underestimated “guy”. Drifter pictured it all. In his head. But plans do not always fall into place. Fast forward: Green Soldiers ended up in a Cryo-Casket on life support being fed mushroom mush. The worst, well: “one of the worst bad guys”, got free, got a ride, with death-blood-destruction on the checklist, check. The Traveler was made. Collapse here, collapse there. Guardians were made. I don’t like starting sentences with “and”, so I started it with: I don’t like starting sentences with and. “And” back to Sol Drifter goes. Stuck trying to clean up his mess. Fell outta favor with the upper ups. Training the Guardian kids how to deal with the real world out there; with something that he calls: Gambit. If Drifter had a conscience with what he did, this would be the morsel of its tiny scrap. The conscience of feeling a wee-bit responsible for the “Guardians” he inadvertently birthed. He overreached, and fell down on a meteoric face-planted sh!t storm. For a guy countless of Billions years old, “smart” is not one of those words you would describe the Drifter. Still, with all the turmoil he’s into, Drifter never loses hope, and keeps swinging away. He’ll catch up with all of the unfinished cosmic assignments piled up on his to-do list: Wars needing to be waged. Worse-than-the-Witness beings deeply-needing attrition and behavioral programs. Selling his Outpost real estate. Shredding his useless paperwork. Finishing his ghost-written commissioned screenplay. Catching up on his favorite Korean drama. Singing. Digital Painting. Boxing. The list of things to-do goes on. But first: Cosmic Wars need soldiers, and Gambit is that Super Soldier program. Now, it’s time to kick it up a notch for those with lion-heartedness bajang-gous. It’s time to go get some. Awoo. Awoo. (Barks). Nyaaarr. -Drifter looks at Eris- -Eris clears her throat, while holding her narration notes- Drifter: I don’t sound like that. -Drifter turns off his Drifter And Friends’ Tales (D.A.F.T) log- -Eris widens her eyes- Eris: (imitates; Neanderthal voice) What? Sound like this? ~The End~ Outtakes: -Eris puts down her D.A.F.T. notes- Eris: Why are you telling me all of this Sage? (teases) Aha, yooooo… liiike Meeeh? Drifter: No. You just have a Nice coding voice. Eris: Why are you telling me your sensitive secrets? Is guilt? Are we friends? -Drifter puts his hands behind his head, closes his eyes, lays back against his seat, and smiles- Drifter: No. No. And No. Friends? -Drifter’s smile becomes wider- Eris: Why the all of a sudden interest in a log? -Drifter points out to the stars in moving hyperspace- Drifter: I’m going to do something that I needed to do a long time ago—and I might never come back. I want to let everyone know, that I tried. That I tried my best to fix it. Fix it all. I have the natural talent to do it. I just got stuck on this Guardian business. I need to pick up where I left off. What I was built for. War. Sparta. -Drifter puts up his feet on the ship’s console- -Eris disappears deep inside her soft-cushioned chair, smiles, closes her eyes, and hugs her Ahamkara ball tight to her chest as it turns warm pinkish-red- ~The End… the end?~ -Drifter slightly opens his eyes and sneaks a look to the left. Scanning at the sight of Eris resting- ::::A warm heated blanket transmats on Eris:::: -Drifter’s eyes moves up to the ceiling, as he closes it, and smiles even bigger- Cue Outro Music: “Secrets” By: One Republic “Secrets" -violin hums, and drags on- I need another story Something to get off my chest My life gets kinda boring Need something that I can confess 'Til all my sleeves are stained red From all the truth that I've said Come by it honestly I swear Thought you saw for ME wink, no I've been on the brink, So tell ME what you want to hear Something that will light those ears I'm sick of all the insincere So I'm gonna give all my secrets away This time Don't need another perfect lie Don't care if critics jump in line I'm gonna give all my secrets away Got no reason, got no shame Don't let me disappear I'ma tell you everything I'm gonna give you all my secrets away All my secrets away… ======= My feedback thoughts: Gambit needs an update. “Gambit Wars” is just the ingredient to boost savory level to incredible proportions. Drifter divulges more about his “secrets”, feelings and sadness through his past failed ways. A life filled with countless stories intertwined within plotted strings of unfinished loose ends. Wars that need denouement. Mistakes cued for redemption, and old personal scores needing to be settled. No man is an island, and Drifter’s friends will be showing up to show what’s up. The story was imperfectly told with strange stops, as a lighthearted implement for Eris to carry the narration. She was actually the person telling the story. She’s a little playful, and never really thinks of Drifter as the serious kind. But Drifter’s idiocy makes her silently laugh. Though…. Nuff’ said. I overshared. Yeah: Get ready, it’s gonna be WAR. Gambit War. Sparta. Dun dun du-unnn. Thank you for reading Devs. Have a nice day. Sincerely, ~A Bungie Dev Fan For: Just For You D.A.F.T. : 1 Drifter and Friend Eris Adventures: 1 Fan Made 10:16 am Gambit Wars: Sparta 1 Hi. Codexed June 24, 2024

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