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Clan Recruitment

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6/24/2024 7:21:17 PM

Close friends looking for new friends :) 21+

We are a relatively smaller clan of close friends with around 20ish members and about half are active almost daily. Most of our players are working adults with different schedules, mostly NA time zones. Our main days we can get raids together is Saturdays and sundays with some friday nights sprinkled in. We know all the raids and dungeons, also have some GM warlords if youre looking for that stuff also. We have a small group of trials players if you want to experience that level of pain, cant promise a carry on that front but we can hold our own usually. We can teach any pve activity and are willing to do any activities old or new. Would prefer drinking age players with middle school humor just like us. We understand that in game LFG exists and big streamer discords are everywhere but if you’re into a more tight knit group, come check us out. We accept people of all walks of life, just know if a joke is made at the expense of a particular race, creed, background, -blam!-, orientation, political opinion or preference for pineapple on pizza there is no ill will intended by any of us, were all just adults on the internet making jokes. That being said we wont tolerate bullying, harassment or discrimination. If this sounds like an environment for you, feel free to DM me or apply to the clan. We accept all platforms and use discord for communication.

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