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6/24/2024 7:06:30 PM

Prismatic Hunter Nerf (PvP)

Prismatic hunter is just all of the best parts of each hunter subclass smooshed into one class. The combo of smoke grenades with strandclones is unbearable to play against, constant radar manipulation. Not to mention the “wombo combo” of smoke grenade and swarm grenades being inescapable. All of what I just said gets even worse the more that there are, and over 33% of all players were using it this weekend in trials, so that was every game. I don’t really know how you could nerf the subclass without replacing some of the abilities, but as it stands, that might genuinely be one of the strongest subclasses of all time.

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  • couldnt agree more

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  • Edited by skibidtybop: 6/26/2024 7:30:37 AM
    Woah, you can't post this. You'll upset all the .5 KD trashcan Hunter crutch abusers who are fundamentally bad at PvP and need their ability crutches to play the game for them. You're also not allowed to notice how 50% of all players in Trials are Hunters (and this is likely true for PvP overall - literally every game is either entirely Hunters or 5 Hunters and one Solar Warlock crutching the Speaker's Mask with Khovostov crutch, lmao). You're also not allowed to point out how hilariously free and broken Threaded Specter is, or how Swarm Grenades were hilariously overbuffed and are now free, insanely spammable, zero-skill, and OP af now. You also are not allowed to point out that Smoke Bomb was already overpowered and did far too much for a single ability and didn't need the DOT poison to make it even more oppressive and crutch. You're also not allowed to say that Hunter is the only class in the game that can bypass the ability cooldown nerfs with Gambler's Dodge and spam their OP Smoke Bomb melee through walls as much as they'd like. You're also not allowed to say that Storm's Edge is just three Thundercrashes in one Super and is far more overpowered and uncounterable than TC ever was, yet of course Hunters conveniently get it while TC was nerfed multiple times into ignominy. You also can't say how crutch and OP Dodging in general is and how so much seamlessly synergies with it while allowing bad Hunter players to cheat death, so you now have to kill them twice, no wait, three times with the Threaded Specter, oh wait four times because they also had Wormcrutch, no wait five times because they also had Spirit of the Coyote... And this is JUST on Prismatic Hunter. Let's not even get into how Invisibility is still unbelievably free and crutch, or how free throwing knives are, or why Dodge should be nerfed on every Hunter subclass because of how overdue it is for a nerf for how free and potent it is. But Bungie said they were trying to reduce ability spam and make it easier to understand why you died hahahahaha. Hunter is the most overpowered, free, crutch af class by far and it's not even close, and the usage numbers prove it. Every single one of them is crutching Threaded Specter + Winter's Shroud, Smoke Bomb, and Swarm Grenades, because that's the most annoying, skillless, oppressive possible "I have solved the PvP meta" build in the game currently. And they get the best, most OP super in the game on top of it, all while being able to spam their crutch abilities because of Gambler's Dodge and a 45 second cooldown on Swarm Grenade. Round a corner? Haha nope that was a smoke bomb! There goes your vision, your speed, your HP, and oh wait now you're dead lmao. Round another corner? Haha it was just a Strand decoy oh wait there goes all your HP because it's fair and makes sense that a spammable Barricade-on-demand (but it's okay because Hunters have it, so it's not OP like they said it was on Titans) but one that does 3x what any Barricade ever could can be placed there and remain like that for 20 seconds, all while screwing up your radar for the entire time. And if you do the smart thing and break it? Congrats because now you have to shoot the Threadlings that spawn, because **** you, you get punished either way for dealing with it. Either you do nothing and get punished, you push and get punished, or you break it and get punished, and also LOL it drags your aim assist worse than any player! Anyone defending these massive crutches needs to have their brain examined. When you lay out how free and skillless it all is, the only possible explanation is that Bungie massively messed up and Hunter players are so bad at the game that they need it to be played for them. But bro we promise it's just about the capes bro pls believe us bro stop noticing things you're just bad at the game bro

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    2 Replies
    • Are we really surprised? Just last season, strand hunter was dominating, before strand, we had to deal with shatter dive, before that we had to deal With solar hunters using the tripmine with the knife one shot combo, before that we had to deal with invisibility etc. it goes on and on and hunters keep being the very best pvp class in the game. It’s been this way for literal years, I fail to see why you guys act surprised at this point.

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      2 Replies
      • Edited by Top G: 6/25/2024 3:26:57 AM
        Tell me one expansion where hunters weren’t OP! That’s Bungie catering to the masses bro

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        3 Replies
        • SPACE MAGIC... if only everyone had access to prismatic hunter

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        • 3 speakers helm literally no diffs every possible hunter combination in the history of the game. If sprinting headfirst in to a strand decoy like a red bar enemy is an issue for you, wait until you hear about this little known ability called 'barricade'.

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          10 Replies
          • First step could be to revert the unnecessary buffs to the smoke bombs and swarm grandes. And then take the aim assist break away from dodge. Now hunters have threaded specter, which pulls aim and aggro, there is no need (never was) that dodge breaks aim assist, neither thruster or Icarus dash is breaking aim assist. Then they should cut back on nerfs for warlock and Titan. And especially add more juice to the very lacking prismatic Titan.

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            13 Replies
            • I remember a time with the double dodge, threaded specters and threadlings everywhere……

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              2 Replies
              • Edited by Tall: 6/24/2024 10:25:40 PM
                No bro hunter is not op bro pls trust me bro hunters are actually the worst bro they’re so bad bro titans are completely broken bro and warlocks have well so nerf those first bro plus stompees got nerfed before bro and hunters have always been the number one used class in pvp just cause they’re fun bro they’ve never been good bro trust me pls bro bungie hates hunters bro. - hunter mains

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                6 Replies
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                  Well... They could tune down all the abilities in the game across the board for pvp. Which would be great.

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                  2 Replies
                  • Yes

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                  • Edited by EarthlyJaguar0: 6/24/2024 7:45:27 PM

                    Hit me up if you want to play pms w/ me - 9/27/2024 3:26:19 PM

                    Yeah the threaded spectre is terrible to play vs on console too and it feel so ability spammy in general. Compare it so solar hunter which I think is what more subclasses should be like if bungie really wanted the 70 30 thing.

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                    9 Replies
                    • Not calling for a nerf but it should at least be looked at.

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                    • No, every class has its perks.

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                        "I'm good at all positions, thank you" - old

                        The best?! LOL please. I beg to differ, it's all the things I avoid using in one subclass. I feel that way about the Warlock prismatic tho, all the good stuff

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                        10 Replies
                        • Hey look ! Another titan main that cannot stand it if a hunter is better than him . 😂 Forgot about strand titan that was OP since lightfall came out and only recently got nerfed when the final shape came out .. For more than a freakin year !!! FORGOT ABOUT THAT !????? Strand titans were OP for so long and that was the only subclass i saw .. you guys forgot how to make builds , only use strand titan everywhere !! Nothing else but strand titan . Now you finally encounter something that is not a strand titan and you need to cry about it ?? No , it is just the same as strand titan . If you cannot deal with it then quit and come back when they nerfed it . You guys went along with it when strand titan was OP so why would you do different now ?

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                          29 Replies
                          • The only part of prismatic that was oppressive to me was the swarm nades I think I was chewed up by those things more than actually being shot by guns this weekend and then they burn on top of that so it takes you out of play for literally like 10 seconds unless you have a way to heal.

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                            3 Replies
                            • Um, I think speaker mask warlock would like a word…

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                              9 Replies
                              • It's just prismatic, all classes have broken aspects about the subclass and will be nerfed eventually.

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                                1 Reply
                                • Y’all want to play D2 PvP like CoD or something. If you just want to shoot guns there are other games for that, subclass abilities are literally 90% of this game’s appeal over games like Apex or Overwatch.

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                                  8 Replies
                                  • Omg yet another one of these folks who want the game turned into easy mode to coddle them

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                                    33 Replies
                                    • Please stop asking for netfs. I dont blame you. You're probably on the soy. Friends don't let friends do soy.

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                                      3 Replies
                                      • No. Disrespectfully.

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                                        1 Reply
                                        • Edited by Zodleon: 6/25/2024 10:00:02 AM
                                          4 flawlesses on solar hunter (solo), no problem. Most ppl aren't good enough to utilize a more cohesive kit they've had for years, let alone one they put together themselves. I'd say wait a few weekends before touching it. It's still the new hotness and most schmucks will just run it because they think it's cool.

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                                          11 Replies
                                          • I'll take a hunter nerf once Titan is deleted from pvp in its entirety. Otherwise, no.

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                                            17 Replies
                                            • Well… hunters know how to adapt. If it’s complaints against every subclass we use, and we adapt to it after nerf, maybe it’s just the opposing team

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