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6/24/2024 2:18:16 PM

Pathfinder for Vangaurd

The Pathfinder system needs a rework to exclude Crucible and Gambit. Vanguard should stay Vanguard and not force me into modes that I don't enjoy playing in the least. I used to like crucible but it's long past a state of neglect and server decay. Don't force me into it. Bring back bounties or rework the Pathfinder system to cater to the activity type specifically

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  • [quote]The Pathfinder system needs a rework to exclude Crucible and Gambit. Vanguard should stay Vanguard and not force me into modes that I don't enjoy playing in the least. I used to like crucible but it's long past a state of neglect and server decay. Don't force me into it. Bring back bounties or rework the Pathfinder system to cater to the activity type specifically[/quote] You poor thing. Everything entertainment wise in my reality be it videogames, movies, reading a book.... etc... Are choices I make to entertain myself with. Nothing external can force a person to play a videogame or certain parts of a videogame. It's actually deluded to think something is forcing you when the only one that can force you to play PvP is yourself. Having an opinion about pathfinder is fine, love it or hate It, it matters not. Your opinion is valid if you stick to reality. If you go all deluded and imply something external is forcing you to play PvP then your just another mad man rambling on a street corner that the rapture is coming.

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    7 Replies
    • They fixed this. It’s possible to do it entirely within Vanguard Ops now. Reset two of them last night. The paths aren’t always straight but it’s possible to get it done without Gambit or Crucible.

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    • They actually made a little fix for this. Now there are lines that are vanguard only or crucible only. Gambit players I'm sorry there are no lines for gambit only.

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    • I’ll never understand why people like you buy a game and then complain it wants you to play the game.

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      2 Replies
      • Each ritual game type should get its own Separate one

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      • Players who play Gambit because they like to play Gambit should have a dedicated Gambit Pathfinder to follow. The same goes for Crucible and Vanguard players. It’s not rocket science. 👈 I like to play all three…though I’d still prefer a dedicated Pathfinder mode, as above…rather than the current mix of all game modes on one pathfinder tree. Give ME the option to choose MY PATH… 🤔 Ease springs! 🫡

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        • Bungie: "There should now always be a path that can be completed through PvE-only or PvP-only." -Looks at Pathfinder Card, and sees EVERY path requiring PvP Or Gambit, while not having played Either of them at all this Expac, cause I hate PvP and Gambit.- Me: "Sure you did Bungo, thanks for -blam!- up again." CAN WE PLEASE Get a SEPARATE PATHFINDER FOR EACH RITUAL, Y'all can do it for Pale Heart, you can do it for Rituals. I do not like PvP, I will not LAUNCH PvP. There are literally PvP Focused Exotics and Catalysts that I will NEVER get, because I will NOT touch PvP. Gambit, Havent touched it in forever. Don't plan on touching it.

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          • Good news. From today’s patch notes: [quote][b]PATHFINDER[/b] • Replaced Ritual Pathfinder Gambit nodes with a general node on some cards. There should now always be a path that can be completed through PvE-only or PvP-only.[/quote] (΄◉◞౪◟◉`)

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            5 Replies
            • Im getting real tired of pve players complaining about having pvp stuff. I dont see pvp players complaining about pve things. YOU DONT NEED TO COMPLETE EVERY NODE

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              4 Replies
              • It's honestly weird they didn't just do a pathfinder for each separate activity so you could just choose which one you wanted to grind, like it is for the current 3 exotic engrams each week. Bungie has never really been a fan of player choice though, they want you to play the game the way they want you to play it.

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                • There's is an another pathfinder what would be good what is lost sector pathfinder When you done with any pathfinder node a message will pop up what says “press tab to open it„ when you see this immediately go to guardian rank screen then press tab to open it and you can bring up the lost sector pathfinder The funny thing is that one of the node asks you to do expert solo flawless lost sector in the blooming and if you do it then it will count towards the pathfinder but it does not reward you anything not even glimmer

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                  • I feel like the way they introduced Pathfinder is part of the problem. They specifically tell you to go to the Vanguard tab to find it, which gives the impression that it's a Vanguard-specific thing. But it's actually available in all three tabs (Vanguard/Crucible/Gambit) and is really a "playlist" Pathfinder (just like how weekly challenges can now be done across all three modes instead of needing to do 3 of each). I wonder if psychologically it would have made a difference if they made that clearer from the outset instead of giving the false impression that it's tied specifically to Vanguard.

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                    • Exactly.. each Ritual should have it's own... Pre TFS I just did Vanguard cause that's what I wanted . I didn't just randomly do Gambit Bounties just because I had too.. PF needs to be tweaked. If they can make the PH one just have PH activities.. then they could've done the same with 3 other sperate Pathfinders.

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                      • I think one line should be pvp one line gambit and one vanguard with 0 overlap as bungie when it came out said choose your path whether it be crucible or strikes or gambit but instead they force all three on most of mine

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