This pathfinder objective is specifically to defeat [b]Taken [/b]in [b]Vanguard [/b][b]playlist [/b]activities. Wouldn't be so bad if not for there only being, like, 2 Taken-rich strikes in a playlist with 10+ options.
Pls update to allow all combatants with an increased amount required, or even just add another faction to the objective. As is, this one (when RNG is unkind) is a headache.
Ritual pathfinder definitely came out half baked. Pale heart pathfinder is decent. Still needs less overthrow, and maybe add some variety (cyst missions and lost sectors etc) in the mix
Thing is back when bounties were still a thing, they DID have something like the second suggestion you made from what I recall. They had bounties which said 'kill 'x' amount of enemies in vanguard playlists, bonus progress for 'y' race kills' So they obviously are capable of doing it but just not bright enough to include such tasks in pathfinder.
yeah i did notice that about the pathfinder you would think you can just load into lake of shadows corrupted or the new one but nooooooope you have to pray to rnjesus for it to be in the strike pool for that week