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6/24/2024 8:57:49 AM

Please supply information prismatic aspects !

Trying to unlock all of these has been as clear as mud people should t have to rely on YouTube to teach them how or where to do things it should be explained and ushered to in game geez sorry I’m peeved because I’ve been grinding alone in the darks like crazy omg

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  • If your blocked just delete all the light stufff you have and pick the quest and start again. It work for me the missing 2 fragments.

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  • Imo the way prismatic abilities are unlocked feels way more organic than stasis/strand were. You actually have to interact with the world to get stronger rather than weekly quests or a material grind.

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  • Edited by STARKILLER2258: 6/25/2024 1:41:20 PM
    I found all but 3 just exploring. The puzzles and encounters were not really a problem, because even though bungie tries to throw you a curve ball they still have a cut and paste sameness to things. At the same time the game has conditioned players in certain ways. Anybody who played the game for more than 2 days knows if you walk 5 feet to the left or right of a path you're going to have a visit by the architect, so some probably get shell shocked not to veer too far off the path. Since I'm one of those a**holes that think nothing of trying to jump a chasm with a sparrow, or climb where you shouldn't and dies 50 times trying to explore a stinking tree on a cliff, or have more fun wandering around the landscapes shooting at trees and buildings rather than do a battleground I found a few where I wouldn't expect it. I missed the one near the end of campaign where the path starts crumbling and they tell you to get out. Well, it turns out there was a fragment to be found on your way out. Really? The game just told me to get the f*ck out, not stop for coffee. That was a bit silly.

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  • Edited by Guardian,Archon Of Light: 6/26/2024 12:28:15 AM
    I have completed everything with my Hunter, still dont have gunpowder gamble fragment

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  • I agree. I was confused as hell looking for the last 2….. that one hidden in the last mission, there’s NO WAY somebody would randomly come across that one. Zero.

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  • Much too much of the DLC was a YouTube feeder. Done for the traffic. And no, most of these really arent puzzles to figure out or anything close. NO. Most of these are so unlikely to be figured out, followed appropriately along, or legit found that the videos themselves are from culled and collated information from a tiny minority. And then the full price game you buy (that looks suspiciously all too similar to the previous full premium price version...) is directed not to be PLAYED but to be LOOKED UP on YouTube. Enjoying the free promos Bungie?

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    4 Replies
    • I personally feel like a game should be able to be played without the need for google but it's freaking impossible in this game. Sure, you can sometimes make the argument that we're lazy but if I have two hours to play I'm not going to spend an hour of that on puzzling. And in many cases it has taken a sub-reddit to put all the pieces together. Add to this that there are several bugs -making it impossible to know if you´re on the right path. Hell, they can't even get directions right - to a highlighted mission on the map. As a returning player I've ran through a lot of things lately and I'm constantly using YT as help - and every video is filled with comments such as "I'm so glad I found this video because I had no idea where to go/what to do".

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      Secret quests shouldn’t exist,if a player likes the mystery they should just avoid looking at their quests. I hate how everything in this DLC/expansion is unmarked and basically another job,the game shouldn’t feel like a chore before you get to have fun,games are supposed to be FUN.

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      • Edited by KalelKryptonian: 6/25/2024 10:23:04 PM
        Use a youtube guide, I did

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      • Gamers these days have lost their sense of exploration. Everything is just a checklist for you guys now.

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        • Edited by Jingo: 6/25/2024 5:26:48 PM

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        • Edited by An Engram Full Of Bees: 6/24/2024 7:02:44 PM
          It is absolutely intentional. It’s symbiosis 101. Bungie drops new DLC ⬇️ Puts basic stuff behind secrets that most people won’t find on their own ⬇️ Destiny Youtubers post videos about those secrets that most players need ⬇️ Folks watch and sub to those YouTubers for future information ⬇️ Bungie teases new DLC ⬇️ Youtubers hype it up and cover it ⬇️ Bungie drops new DLC ⬇️ …

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          • Don’t forget to like, comment and subscribe. 🤮

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            • Edited by AppleSoda: 6/24/2024 4:01:51 PM
              I think the fragments hidden in the campaign are a bit much as some of these you’d never find without looking it up or getting lucky (specifically the one in Iconoclasm) and most players don’t go and replay these missions constantly. The ones in the world are mostly fair. You should quickly encounter both light and dark vestiges by following the quests given to you in the post campaign and then they literally tell you where to look. The prismatic chests in the world aren’t particularly well hidden, and once you find them it’s fairly obvious you must do something in the world to unlock them. I think the one all the way in the Lost City Outskirts is a teensy bit unfair (because you’d almost never go back there and very few people know that their ghost has a reaction when near a collectible) but there are pathfinder objectives in the area and stuff so it’s not completely unimaginable you might go back in that area. Edit: I think especially too with the campaign ones, the campaign is already fairly long even at an average pace so if you decided to spend time exploring for the first four missions and found nothing, you’d probably have stopped.

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              • I agree with you and I watched a YouTube vid and the best part is one of the damn bosses when he dies drops the key through the ground that I need to unlock the prismatic chest

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                2 Replies
                • Fug it. Send the giant meteor already. Humanity needs another reset.

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                  Lore-meister - old

                  Agree it’s crazy not giving us any info

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                • Some are hidden and require exploration while others yah get from just playing through the pale heart. Do you guys really need everything spoonfed?

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                  • Edited by Crota bin Oryx: 6/25/2024 8:19:18 AM
                    Apart from the obvious fragments that are given as a part of campaign, rest of them are suppose to be secrets. A secret won't be much fun if it was advertised... It's like asking a cheating partner to give you a hint that they are secretly cheating on you 😂

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                    5 Replies
                    • Can someone please explain how they unlocked it without watching YouTube tutorials like what logic/math drove them to unlock it that way? 🤔🤔 I was running around the Pale heart but couldn’t find more than 1 as far I remember

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                      3 Replies
                      • While I feel for your frustration, the majority of these are pretty clear. And you figure out what to do in 1 or 2 tries. And I like that. I know people want things asap, so they want everything explained to them, but some of the fun is figuring it out yourself.

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                        9 Replies
                        • Sometimes the game benefits a lot with mystery. You don't need to be carried by your hand all the time. Is okay is you discover and explore the world.

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                        • Literally been using walkthroughs and guides from YouTube / google since Y3 for quests etc, I think it’s kinda expected you just read up on what you want to do (be that unlocking aspects or learning a dungeon or how to unlock an exotic).

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                        • Totally agree with this. I’m still missing some because I haven’t bothered to Google how to get them.

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                          2 Replies
                          • they give big hints, kinda. [spoiler]"duty, bravery, sacrifice" is what sundance repeats at the end, with zero conclusion on that part, the missions in which they appear are the only three that are matchmade and you need to do them for a quest[/spoiler], and other than that exploration and playing in pale heart gets you the rest. spoilered for story stuff. i detest being spoon fed, and the past "your class is locked behind an arbitrary economy" handling of new classes was dogshit.

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                          • Very much agree.

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