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6/23/2024 11:17:05 PM

Final Shape should have a disclaimer.

Microphone needed to obtain all the gear you paid for.

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  • Wouldnt be the disclaimer be "muliplayer" When i see a multiplayer tag, the experience of a game will always be better or out right required to have communication. Be it via mic, typing or a ping system.

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  • Apparently the idiots commenting on your posts don't know what a disclaimer is. A disclaimer would say "communication between players required to access all content". But that would cause people to not buy, so Bungie doesn't do that. It's called false advertising. You simps can't handle the fact that OP actually has a point, so you pretend that every new or new-ish player should just "know".

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    • You didn't pay for gear. You paid for a license to access the game. The rest is up to you to acquire.

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    • Did you really buy an mmo and think you didn't have to communicate with others? XD

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    • By that logic, most raids need that as well

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    • [quote]Microphone needed to obtain all the gear you paid for.[/quote] Heaven forbid you need to communicate to another human being, grow up

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    • Another Dual Destiny cry post. Really?

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      • I’m in agreement locking the class item to two players only was a bit of a sh!t move but complaining that you’ve bought an expansion and didn’t have all the gear dropped to you the second you loaded into orbit is an L take. You’re not owed all the loot just because you bought the expansion, you’ve bought the expansion that has the loot available to unlock. It’s that simple. Plenty of people on here willing to run people through the mission even ones that have communication difficulties but the thing is once you’ve unlocked the class item you’ve got to farm mission/chests to get the roll you want/need. If you don’t want to do that that’s your choice but guess what? You’re not going to get the class item. Same as I’m not getting thousand eyes or whatever raid/dungeon exotics I don’t have because I have zero interest in running those raids over and over again.

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        2 Replies
        • Fun fact: Destiny 2 does have a disclaimer. Let me read it to you now: “Online play required” Hope this helps! Enjoy trying to solo an MMORPG!

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          21 Replies
          • Your account should have a disclaimer: “No brain used when making posts” I’ve done duel destiny with just text chat ok controller so maybe instead of crying, you can do some basic problem solving.

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          • So sick of people complaining about this. It’s a multiplayer game. Can’t belive everyone is complaint about having to play with others. It’s not bungies problem if you don’t want to do that.

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            38 Replies
            • Honestly, it would be a sensible thing for Bungie to do. The clearer things are made to people then the less chance of misunderstanding or upset.

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            • Edited by Wimp Wiper: 6/24/2024 11:43:07 PM
              You mean *Gear that you have access to* if you unlocked it. If you can't beat a boss in Elden ring and obtain a piece of gear, do you complain to the devs that you paid for it? What about COD? All the guns unlocked at higher levels, given you don't play much, should be handed to you? Sorry pal, Bungie doesn't owe you $h1t It's not hard to find another player seeking to do the same thing. Grow. Up

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            • You don’t pay for gear. U pay for the chance to do an activity and earn something. Do u think the exotics should all just show up in ur vault the moment u hit purchase? It’s a game. Things are unlocked through completing objectives. That’s why it’s called a reward

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            • I dunno man, I bought a multiplayer game for a reason. And plenty of people are no micing it. It didn’t bother me that you had to do VoG or Crota to reach max level back in the day, either. Don’t worry, though. You guys will likely complain enough that they will add some other mindless way to get your extra exotic perk soon.

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            • Edited by The Hermit IX: 6/24/2024 1:07:07 AM
              This isn’t new in a multi player game. Raids, Dungeons, Exotic missions and Trials aren’t new modes. They’re designed to play with a group you communicate with for optimal success. I’m a solo player and ran the mission this morning and now I’m farming exotic class items. Sometimes solo players need to suck it up and find a partner to do something. The mission was excellent on top of a fantastic reward. I’m sure at one point they’ll make the class item an easy lay up but I didn’t want to wait on that so I got it done. It’s funny half the people crying about either have it done already or it’s players who don’t play the game. All the solo players I know are doing it or planning on running it

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              • Edited by Paul5013: 6/24/2024 9:31:21 PM
                Skill as well. Coincidently, most people saying a solo option would fix their issue have not managed to solo flawless dungeons and such either (including you, what a surprise). Of course it is more convenient though to have a mission for once, where you can blame the game design instead and act like a change to the mechanics would make a difference for you. Dual Destiny is literally just your scapegoat. The game has always been multiplayer and there has always been loot locked behind teamplay and communication. Either accept, that the game is not and has never been what you thought it was, or quit and play the new Assassin's Creed or something similar instead. Besides, you mostly dont pay to get the loot you want, you pay to get the opportunity of obtaining it yourself. It is not a scam, just because you dont meet the requirements, which are not unreasonable at all for a multiplayer game. While it wouldnt be unreasonable at all to make mic a requirement, that isnt even the case in Dual Destiny. Text chat is more than enough.

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                21 Replies
                • Yet I somehow beat everything in the game without a microphone 100% of the time. You kids just love crying online rather than problem solving.

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                • You paid for a license to access the game. You didn't pay for the gear. The power is in your hands to collect the gear so if you opt to skip things that's on you not the design of the game.

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                • And beware of trash servers, error codes, invisible guardians, and toxic community. 😆

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                  7 Replies
                  • Agreed. I refunded the expansion because of that.

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                    3 Replies
                    • He's right you know, Except for the rewards from strikes/pvp/gambit/open world/seasonal/expansion legendary armor or weapon loot/soloing dungeons/onslaught/legend and master lost sectors/crafted weapons/exotic missions... [i]Takes in deep breath[/i] I have to speak with somebody for like 20 minutes.

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                    • I mean to be fair life which you are in is the same. There are things you needed to work together with someone to achieve. And if not then that speaks volumes about who you are. Get over it.

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                    • There was a “warning”, the game being labeled a multiplayer game, and not a game with multiplayer added on.

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                    • Yall are really losing it over a 2 man mission lol. This man said disclaimer 😆

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                      • If you couldn't intuit that a multiplayer game may need a mic, that's kinda on you.

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