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Edited by Fateless148: 6/24/2024 6:04:40 AM

Duel destiny mission impossible for the vocally impaired.

(Edit)- I Just found out that the 3 patterns at the last clock repeat in sequence, soo kinda disregard this post. Im leaving ot here regardless, too see how many people chime in on the whole "ping system would be great convo". Won't be many the way it's going so far, but ey, a boy can dream. I myself am not vocally impaired. However, i just found somebody on fireteam finder that is, and can't do the mission due to his disability. Idk how bungie could help, but this kid supposedly doesn't have anybody that could do the mission for him at least. The ping system "Apex Legends" introduced would be amazing for people with disabilities, and just overall beneficial too normal gameplay for all players. I decided too try the mission with the kid, because I didn't know how much his disability affected him, but not too his own fault, he can't make eligable callouts. Idk what bungie could do for people in this scenario, but a ping system would be great for a future quality of life update.

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  • Edited by The Hermit IX: 6/23/2024 11:59:07 PM
    In game chat. He seems to be doing just fine and playing activities with others. People who have handicaps learn to work around them.

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      Text chat

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      17 Replies
      • Here is a helpful way to help players in this situation. Use the text chat. Type the names of the pictures. If one of you does not know the names, use descriptions this takes a bit longer but you're given enough time. First clock puzzle: Person who is not killing the tormentor writes the numbers they see asap. Person who kills tormentor shoots the 3 numbers they have in common. Second clock puzzle: The end clock is a set of 3 patterns. Take one rotation for one person writes down the 3 patterns they see in order. Take a second rotation for the other player to write the matching numbers in order. Take a third rotation to shoot the matching numbers in each pattern. Death while typing is fine.

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        9 Replies
        • My friend and I put a negative review in with destiny 2 on steam, google, social medias, basically everywhere possible. It’s probably the only way they’ll know this mission needs to be looked at. If enough of us put in bad reviews then they’ll probably listen to us.

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          6 Replies
          • Y'all keep saying "text chat" as if that's a viable option for anyone not on PC, so for probably half, or more, of the population, text chat is not a feasible solution

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          • I refunded TFS because of Dual destiny. I suggest everyone else do the same.

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            17 Replies
            • Coupling exotics advertised in promotional media to COOP Focus Modes that require voice communication was a terrible and disrespectful decision. That has always been a Raid only thing. That’s where it should remain.

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              37 Replies
              • Type in chat..?

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              • A lot of games have a chat wheel that people use for quick communication. destiny could easily have one of those. Specially I was thinking of chat options from games like Battlefield

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                1 Reply
                • You can always live stream on discord and see what the other person is looking at. It makes it really easy if you have 2 monitors. That's what my son and I did since I had no clue what some of the symbols were called.

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                  2 Replies
                  • I was thinking last night that this would be a great opportunity for someone to make a web app. It could have the symbols that could be selected & display the selected ones at the top. The clock could be done in a similar way but both would have to select the numbers.

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                  • Use Text Chat. You have time to type.

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                  • Destiny impossible for the visually impaired.

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                  • *laughs in text chat*

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                  • 2
                    As a playstation player the simplest tool to fix that is the Share screen function. I generally get everyone that can to turn it in, since it means I can glance at their screen and they, mine. I assume Xbox and PC have similar tools available to them. I know discord has the stream function, though I don't often use it.

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                  • I’ve beaten it multiple times with text chat even though I’m on controller. Instead of crying online, develop simple problem solving skills.

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                    14 Replies
                    • text chat exists

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                      4 Replies
                      • Not impossible. Impaired person streams the game to person carrying > carrying player types symbol and clock callouts.

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                      • yeah bungie needs to address this . when l ran the mission one time only. what l found overturned was the constant ads when trying to do symbols and puzzles , not enjoyable and lame on bungies part. they could ditch the symbols for numbers or letters and add numbers to the clock .just a couple easy fixs and it would be much easier for the impaired. also don't demand a class item be ran in dual mode. really not cool.

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                        6 Replies
                        • This is why I despise these kind of mechanics, are they doable for most, yeah. Are they fun, helll naw They preach the fact that they want you to play with friends when dungeons are straight up soloable and even some raid encounters can be done alone

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                          3 Replies
                          • sorry in advance if i sound like a toxic player but the mission is not bungies most difficult enemy wise but mechanics wise its on the heavy sight, are they just vocally impaired or do they have cognitive disabillities as well as in are you able to use text chat with him or no? i know the timer is there but that may help with the symbol callouts not sure about the clock however... im just merely providing some help to help all get the class item, i do completley agree that the audio, visual, and vocally impaired are at a severe hinderance in regards to this mission

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                            9 Replies
                            • If only there was a text chat.

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                            • Chat is more than enough and even if it wasnt, its a multiplayer game and this mission isnt the first thing in it that requires comms.

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                            • Edited by Gemini Trash: 6/24/2024 2:45:13 PM
                              Okay so I have actually done no mic runs of Dual Destiny but it does require some setup. You and your partner both need a way to stream to each other and then you need a phone or additional PC monitor placed in a visible location near your setup. This way you can both see each other's callouts making communication a non-issue. I also used to do this for teaching raids so I could guide people through a role from their perspective.

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                            • That mission got yall tripping lol. This man said 'impossible for the vocally impaired'. 😆. Why are yall acting like communication in this game/franchise is new? Like this was the first mission you had to interact with another in game lol. I will say: this mission pointed out to me that people think the majority of the community are solo players with disabilities lol. It took 10 years, 2 games, and a 2 man mission for that to be pointed out 😆

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                            • Now that you mention it, I don’t know why there isn’t a ping system.. would kinda help ALOT

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