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Destiny 2

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Edited by moist: 6/27/2024 7:49:44 PM

Final shape kinda sucks,no offense.

I loved the campaign but everything else after is super boring,specifically the quests,it feels like we have to do chores before actually enjoying the content,I’ve lost all drive to acquire anything. Khvostov issues:ultra boring grindy/buggy fetch quest for an exotic that’s overtuned in PvP and weak in PvE Class item issues:quest is very boring until you get to the exotic mission which then feels like a pain to grind for a single decent roll. Prismatic facet issues:boring secret fetch quest for every single facet that wasn’t from the campaign. Power grind issues: why is there even power levels at this point? Nothing is sunset,it’s a terrible mechanic which also feels old fashioned making the game even more of a grind. I’m not even having fun anymore,I feel burnt out from this season after just getting the prismatic facets. I’m not even a casual and this sucks man,there was so much hype behind the new loot and the changes bungie made but I can’t help but feel like it’s very lackluster,don’t get me wrong the campaign was amazing but everything else is just chores,it feels like I’m working a 9-5 just to get loot in the game. Does anyone else think so too? I know some people enjoy grinding away mindlessly like they have nothing better to do. Edit:if you haven’t bought final shape I don’t recommend you do,100 dollars is not worth the little starting content specially when the rest is drip fed while you’re expected to waste your life away for one exotic you want.

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  • Edited by Oinkthebaconking: 6/23/2024 2:15:32 PM
    The people promoting this garbage are such simps. It's as if your girlfriend (Bungie) who You've been wanting to break up with so much you started avoiding her(last year during Lightfall) invited you to dinner to "make things right". Then you get there and instead of the great meal you were promised she cooked ten boxes of Kraft Mac and cheese. You take a bite and you're so hungry it tastes delicious, but then just as you start to get sick of eating it she brings out dessert and says" here is the dessert that will actually make this meal good, but you can't eat it until you wash all our dishes first." Then you do it even though you know you're being taken advantage of, and you get your dessert. Then she says "well, let's move this to some endgame activities" and you walk into the bedroom to find another guy in there and she says "if you want this piece of endgame, you need to communicate with this other guy so you can both give me what I want". Then you go everywhere bragging about having a threesome, but you leave out the part about the other guy just so you can live with yourself.

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