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6/23/2024 6:13:41 AM

Questions For PvP Control Players

- When the enemy team has two points and you guys take a defensive posture instead of pushing and flanking the point; why do you do that? Preserving kd? - When a point is cleared of enemies and you just... keep running away. Why? You're refusing to cap a point. Holding zones give kills more value. Why wouldn't you want that? I know you people are in here. Reading and posting. Even generally good PvP players with the highest kd show no strategic acumen in this mode. Are the rules not clear?

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  • Because it’s control and who gives a rats asssss people can play how they want

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    • Edited by Golden: 6/27/2024 2:39:14 AM
      1. I mean, control is just a casual game mode, no one is really going to play the objective regardless cause no one takes the mode seriously anyways. 2. If you really do take it serious with the caps, Caps don’t mean Jack if you’re not getting any kills along with it. The person with 35 kills. 2 deaths with 3 caps is objectively doing better than the dude with 2 kills, 15 deaths and 7 caps, that’s how I see it. 3. It also just depends on how the enemy team is playing it too and their play style. If you’re seeing the enemy team back off after capping, maybe they’re baiting you to try to cap and just take you out at mid point, and so on. Or if they back off maybe they don’t know how to hold zones, etc.

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    • Must never, at any point, play objective. [i]That is the rule.[/i]

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      • Edited by Hendo: 6/24/2024 1:59:56 PM
        I wanna know why people don’t 2 Cap and Spawn kill the rest of the game. fyi, Most Maps you only need Spawn and B flag And in some Cases A and C (Pacifica) You likely always get power Ammo and they enemy will always spawn on one side of the map

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        • Most people don’t care about winning in control. It’s more fun to go get kills and lose, than to sit back cap zones and win.

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          • Generally speaking, in control the team that slays out more, and sends the enemy back to spawn typically gets map control, and therefore control of the zones. It only takes one player to cap a zone, but multiple players can increase the rate and points from capturing it. However, having more than 3 players on a zone, unless it is IB zone where you LOCK the zones after capping. Otherwise you only want one or two players on that zone, with the others pushing past it to control the spawns. Controlling where the spawn points are is far more important than the actual zone, and certain zones on some maps should never be taken unless locking the zones in IB. Like Distant Shores for example, holding zone A is a detriment, and without fail the team that pushes past C and holds that back spawn will hold C and B. When I do play control, I often will have relatively low zone captures. Initial spawn, if I see at least one teammate capping the initial zone, I rush to engage the enemy near the neutral zone to get early map control. If its a map which is lopsided and we are on the weak side, the plan is to try to flip that spawn so after the initial skirmish at the neutral zone, my teammates will spawn with me at the good zone area. If I were to just cap that zone right away, then the enemy would be alerted to my intention, and play more to defend against the flip. Pushing past without touching the zone makes it easier to get the map position that we want. If its a balanced map, then getting good neutral zone placement and working on killing the enemy until my team can come support is far more important than getting the initial control of the mid point. Its not who caps it first, it who holds it and gets the most kills... so killing is helpful when zones are equal, and often if the first cap is a solo, met by 3 or 4 enemies, they dont hold it long.

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            • As someone who plays ‘objective’ I think a lot of people do not realise what that means. Standing on ‘B’ is often just gifting the enemy team points and asking to get nova bombed etc. I will often push past B to the lane the enemy team wants to come down to get to it. I’m not trying to farm kills or KD but stop any push to the actual zone and CONTROL the flow of the game. If that lane is held down then taking B should be easy behind me.

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              3 Replies
              • As a wise man once said, DON’T 👏 BUNCH 👏 UP. If your team decides to hang out and cap that point, you’re giving the enemy team however long it takes to cap the point to punish your bunch up. All it takes is one Cloudstrike shot, one Gjallarhorn rocket, or one well placed shutdown super in order to clean out everyone in your immediate vicinity.

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                • The point of the mode is CONTROL… so controlling 2 positions means double the points and controlling enemy spawn.

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                  • I love objective game modes, but there’ll always be some players who either don’t care about objectives, or they don’t know how to play strategically. Matchmade teammates will always be pot luck. If it’s that frustrating for anyone, it’s better to make a fireteam.

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                  • My favorite is when they leave before it caps. Normally I’d blame Bungie but the instructions are right there when you choose.

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                    • Control ? I think a lot of people just play it as Clash with flags.

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                      • I give up when teams play ring around the rosie and swap spawns.

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                        • Edited by Poolwizard: 6/23/2024 8:39:36 PM
                          Everyone here cried about how players determined 90% of outcomes in control. So Bungie created a hidden scale for skill rating from -1000 to 1000. Which tracks everything you do in pvp from kills to damage to capping zones to movement. So instead of players deciding outcomes. Bungie determines them with forced wins and losses. To increase the time, bad players and average players play pvp. With predetermined outcomes so they think they are getting better. Then buy silver and DLCs. So when you need to win, they put the best players on your team. When you need to lose, you get people who feed kills and don't cap zones. Then, if you try to circumnavigate that system, Bungie will suspend you for weeks or just out right ban you. Because it's not fair for people to have a 99% win ratio.

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                          • 0

                            Lore-meister - old

                            Just don’t care… go in if the game forces me… do what I need … win or lose it doesn’t matter

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                            • Edited by ShodArt58680095: 6/23/2024 12:48:09 PM
                              all down to how good my team is. if they are getting farmed, i can't cap zones because i will get farmed. I choose to take defensive style where i lure enemies in and clear them then adjust distance if they get close and repeat. If my team is good, we take zones and push together so we end up scoring the highest. no need to adjust distance.

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                              3 Replies
                              • Control is not an objective based game mode. It’s unbelievable how people still don’t understand this.

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